The Watch

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The watch sat muted, it's coils and springs dancing in delight by darkness that adopted its truest nature. It's fibrous edges melting inwardly, concealing the duel mode of its constrained construction.

It's make shift eyes peered into the blackness.

Awakened from a slumber so rich, but cast down by the abomination of what it's master had become. Within the pocket of the now powerless prince of the dark.

Its ridges reverberated to life the ancestral moaning of all shadows that joined with it in unison. Their secret cords joined and knotted. Their defined clarity professing the purpose of their obvious entitlement.

"Where is the dark lord?"

The one shadow spoke hoarsely and with an intended authority. The dark, rich purse of its character spewing outward in subtle changes of light that slowly surrounded them. Draping them as peasant monks that attend the sash of their cloaks tied loosely around wirey framed.

"The master needs to know why the delay in orders that were given!".

The watch sprung to life as its metallic casing played to the tones of the shadow's creaking call. It's pistons and wheels rotated. It's gyrating components rang sweet of a bitter envy. A miraculous inclusion within its circuitry counted its numerous functions. Courting the gauges that twisted and turned their silver wizardry. The song of its laughter whizzed outward in the singing of its inward barracks. The inner sanctum of chambers that wired into existence within the brain of its internal expansion.

"Good sir, I assume you all is fine. I am the overseer of this demonic uncertainty. This nudging of rudeness on his part will be dealt with fully and steadily. My master's plight is of my own intentions. The plan will be completed!"

The watch smiled of loose bits entwined by gears and sprockets that jolted and flexed to an abrupt kinship. Polished by guts that drained of that mercurial nectar. That crimson that besets that fragile corpse to turn. To spur and clamber to the shadowy implications of a super beast. A piloted mirage of stealth trickery. Comforting the recessive hide of the watches final design.

It bellowed a haunting tone.

An innate cacophony in anger. Its stride stable and in a dark assurance cast swiftly.

The shadow recoiled lazily, reclining backwards in a furious fright. Impacted by the serious tones that fluttered ruthlessly through the night.

Darkness once again settled into the domain of the watches empty tomb.

All was silent.

Amended by the silk threads that ran their course upon lined pockets of emptiness. The available cushioning inviting the only content to swivel about slowly. Twitching silently to the rhythmic pulsing of its own heartbeat. It's cackling bellow had gone unheard. Ignored or forgotten, the watch settled backwards into the pit of its bodies own proposition. Powering down it's tensile plating. Becoming the tainted array of dust and lint that embraced the warmth of its outward making.

For all was silent, deadened.

Drilled to a twisted demise. A symphony of darkness coated the prevailing blackness. Stretched loosely upon a moonlit sky. As slumber became the dance of mortal breath that soiled and trickled.

By the sentencing of dream fall and observance of a night in the hands of who was once it's king.

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