3 Days

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Aradelle stood motionless in the gallows of Hades oblivion.

The torturous reign of bloodshed absolution cringed of a grotesque observance. A stagnant implosion of time and space, dejected by the goodness of Aradelles final reproach. Measaly glaring of a shining ethereal blackness, a dark throne stood directly before him. His lightning persona glimmering as a beacon amidst the father of all lies. Against the
Heinous corruption of the beast that sat there now in the battle angels rugged presence.

There in hell he transcended his stilled silk cloak into silent swords of a tearing vengeance. Rendering itself into the delightful merge of twin angelic wings. Their kindred redemption modeling an obsessive charging. Seemingly flightless by the blink of an eye. Forming in togetherness
their onslaught of deadliness. A protectant raging against all insidious evil. Their declaration singing the praise of god almighty. Testifying upon holy tongues the truth of the throne of heaven's endless mercy.

Before Aradelles fervent gaze stood that serpent composed of a brackish concerto. His drained lips taunting with a whistling tone. Descending his throne there within hells abhorant fury. The beauty of the devil cast rain like drops of crimson into an offset perfection. Their vile faces scorned and threaded into the assailant beasts that now in fear hid themselves. Their tattered frames bowing to the king of an abscessed desolation. A mirage of countering illusions. Lifting of hollowed walls that mask the bodily subduing of an arena of the dead. Impaled, their musky forms putrated and molded to preserve their mirror likeness.

The command given by Aradelle rang like a reverberated bell. It's tone like a two-edged sword imparting justice into the toned destruction of a fallen kingdom.

The dark one laughed.

His grimace unfaithful, unruly. The corrupt malevolence of his demeanor soaking outwards amidst the grumbling status of his vile appearance.

"You expect me to do that brother?".

His head tipped back. Eyes closed, receiving the christened aperture of death and malaise into a vehement secrecy of power within a distinct vileness.

"I am the king of all things dark and decrepit. I feast on the bile of worms and earth. I am the meaning of the blackest desire and the solitary lie of angels that fell to their ruins."

Aradelle stooped downwards.

Writing something in the torrent landscape of a blood soaked dynasty. Tipping the devil's crown upon the meaning of the ancient sacred text. Its words piercing the heart of the beast of a scornful blackness. For the words were of the deepest of Christs holy intentions. Their singular culmination, ruminating by the violent plague of hells flames.

For his sacrifice shined like the stars of a coruscating brilliance. A wild adaptation of purity. Defining the goodness of the smile of heaven. Set permanently in the works of God's eternal crafting.

"You have 3 days brother"

Aradelle spoke with a cautious disdain. Stairing down the dark figure that sat forward upon an onyx throne. Chiseled of breath and deceit. Erected upon the trenches of death's obscene wretchedness. The smell of its hasteful engaging, retreating in defeat amidst Aradelles nostrils.

With a serious manor, Aradelles lips framed the creases of a disappointed grin. Turning swiftly, his cape encompassed his powerful form. Flowing loosely in reverence, it embraced him. Reshaping to the muscular ridges of his sustained attention. Rashons to throttle into once again the majestic wings that cast hell into fear and trembling.

It's myriad inferno ceased as Aradelle exited the black abyss of an enormous throne room. The wailing of crescent walls harping monstrous tones in fear of a merciless white angel. The passage way shivering to the iron purpose of each footstep. Its granite reversal of bleached endurance. Stained black upon flawlessness, sprayed of blood and ash. The guardian force of his thunderous march, echoing by an extreme predisposed forcefulness.

Aradelle uttered only two words as he disappeared into the distance.

"3 Days".

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