The Angel

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The vessel streaked upon an
absent gaze
swiveled fingers hindered about the edge of crimson. The tiny whirling stirring the liquid menace to a final dark settling. It's luster affliction causing the tainted glass to shine brightly.  Fangs subtly piercing from the dark creature that distilled the mastery of the drink that sat before him.

His breath aroused,

his cunning acutely stationed to the mirror that stood before him. It's dark grain, bestowing a splintered laughter.  Carved into a face that held back sorrow by ebony thorns that stretched outwards.  Clutching the ivy of hands that held the reflective surface in place.

The eternal lord of darkness sat in a singular vice.

His throne, the cracked perception of hells exhalation in vehement fear. Stroking outwards in liquid venom. The tapered ends of flame that licked the face of the dark king. It's shine blaring of crooked ends shaped as razors who's fingers belched outwards into the blackness. Creating its purpose by the strains of a perpetually dancing abomination in the distance. His anger in a roulette of upheaval. Declaring war against the marble concave perplexity of the room around him. It's arching the discerning likeness of immortal realms. Speaking into nothingness, the name of its warring prince.

Now captive by human thought in the vile carcass of a living, transparent soul. Unknown to his father's existence. His clamor dissolved of their ethereal union. Now ejected and motionless. Shielded by heaven's light for God's great mystery. 

Denkai awakened in a luxurious masterpiece. The room shined of patchwork webbing stitched into the solitary reigns of lightning finishes. Their composite glimmer tracking throughout the crystal clear dimensions of its shine. The tattered felt regions of a steel willed mind contracted in the dream that now had taken him into a total submission. A dream unknown to his dark father. Arrested and acquired to the inner conscience of Denkais now human mind.

His pulse steadied, but able.  Aligned within a prejudgment of the absolute alien occurrence he was now witnessing.

Silk curtains dissolved to reveal a pearlescent boarder. Magnificent in its rendering, it stretched outwards on all sides. Encasing the risen spectrums of light that seemed impossible for human eyes to sorely endure. A marvelous attraction given way to the addiction of its endless internal beauty.

Within the  extravagant pageantry, a steady form outlined the image of a beautiful girl.  The sultry vision bathed in a fiery newness. Blinding and rampant fluctuations of every color hung, periodically altering in  brightness. The light escorting the young girl  to the walkway that laid barren in the distance.

Denkai stood in complete astonishment. His senses numbed at the severe fascination of the spectacle amidst his being.

A melodious haze sang of a symphony of peace in wondrous tones. Their caroling centrifuge endowed the rich overture to spring from nothingness. Their light=e encompassing the pool of enchantment that rhythmically ascended through a gateway in obedience to its master tones.  Their presence Dressing the young girl in linens that flickered of a glorious sheen. The branded notation of "3:16" embroidered the darker edges of her sleeves. The emblem shined with an other worldly compassion astonishingly fantastic, it's message appeared as a beam of light beside her. Piercing outward Guarding in a resolute rejuvenation. A shield that emblazoned the shape of a cross of light. Its fervent valor swiveled slightly suspended beside her like the dawning eve of a brightly lit escort. It's cape embracing the angel's shoulders diligently in a singular caress.  A mere companion that steadied the wildfire eyes of heaven's soulful laughter.

Denkai starved of strength laid on the marble glossed floor below the angelic being.

His resolve dwindled upon the crushed weight of all that he was experiencing.  The once fortress exposure of gargantuan muscles were now weakened and puny. His armored flesh amidst a body of tattered scars now succumbed to a condition of mortal frailty. His wickedness now absolved into a shallow draining of all he once was.

The angelic girl's face was blinding.

Creasing his fervent brow in a minimal hesitation, Denkai glanced into her bright lit eyes. The message of their beauty unknown. Unhinged and wavering. Within icy wind and summer's stone. They dissolved through the dark prince's once demonic wretchedness. Unable to discern any predominant shaping, he winced in an utmost terror.

His blood burned cold within him.

The fiery rage branding his own contrition in weakened highlights. The unknown comfort of this place, an entrapment to the history of his bloodied greed and violence. His sentimental character over shadowing the once groaning appetite. It's slavery adorned on the door step of his immortal soul. In destitution ringing richly upon the inner clawing of a seered and now brutal conscience.  The recollection of a defining decadence of fear. Contorting to the shriveled form of evil by the hand of its dethroned oblivion. Its talons centered loosely upon the dark heart that now beat smoothly within the confines of living flesh.

Waiting for a rebirth in the glory of heaven's forgiveness.


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