Chapter one

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Finally, the Pines twins were back home.

Although they had only been back for one night, Dipper couldn't seem to shake the feeling that something was wrong. Like someone was watching him all the time.

Mabel had pretty much ditched Dipper the second they got back. Dipper didn't blame her though. She had a lot of friends that she needed to catch up with and Dipper was happy for her. He just wished that he had something to do that wasn't interfering with everyone else's lives.

"Dipping dot you have to go outside today!" Mabel said, pulling the comforter off her twin. Dipper groaned in exhaustion. He hadn't slept much the night prior due to a nightmare of his family dying.

"Aren't you going with your friends to breakfast?" Dipper questions her as he sits up in his bed, "besides I can take care of myself sis."

"I just want to make sure you're okay!" She giggled and ran out of his room. Dipper sighed and got up, walking over to his closet and swung the door open.

He got himself ready for the day, he wore a white hoodie with navy blue sleeves and hood matched with black jeans and white sneakers. He put on his classic pinetree hat and adjusted his hair so it was over his birthmark. He smiled softly to himself in the mirror before looking around his room.

'Now what to do today.' He thought to himself. 'I guess I could go out into the forest...with Fords journals destroyed I can start my own.'

He decided that that's the project he would start today.

He grabbed his blue notebook that had a black spine. It was a smaller notebook but it was all he had.

He grabbed a black pen off his nightstand and ran downstairs to the kitchen. Of course, he was pretty much home alone. Wendy didn't work at the shack anymore, she was off at college somewhere. Soos had moved to Portland to live with his fiancé, Melody. Stan was giving a tour of the Mystery Shack to some tourist. Ford was in the basement trying to write all his knowledge into new journals.

Dipper made himself a bowl of cereal quickly before leaving for the forest. He didn't feel at home before but now that he was in the familiar woods he felt more calm then he had been since Weirdmageddon.

He found a pretty clearing with a calm and clear river. The water was crystal clear and you could see the fish and the bottom of the ocean floor.

Dipper found a good spot in the grass and sit down. He set his journal and pen aside and brought his knees up to his chest. He let out a long sigh as he stared into the water.

'Mabel was right to want to stop time.' Dipper thought back to when they were twelve. Mabel was given a time bubble that prevented time from moving forward. Dipper, of course like the smart guy he is, convinced her to come back with him and leave the bubble.

"Pinetree!" Someone yelled.

Dipper whipped his head around so fast he could have passed out. There was no one there, only the bushes moving due to the breeze.

"Who's there?" Dipper said, feeling stupid.

'No one is there stupid. You're being so dramatic.' He went on to drag himself down even more

"Pinetree~" Some whispers with a slight laugh.

'Ignore it.' Dipper told himself. 'It's not real.'

"Pinetree.." Some says again.

"I said who's there!" Dipper finally snapped.

"I'm offended you don't remember me pinetree!" The voice says in a dramatic offended voice.

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