Chapter thirteen

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*A/N: I just want to mention that I wrote this chapter while I was in class...*

The next morning Dipper woke up with a pounding headache. 

He sat up and realized Bill wasn't in the bedroom with him.  He sighed and laid back down.

A few minutes later the door opened and Bill sat down on the bed in front of his boyfriend.

"I brought you breakfast."  Bill said, setting the plate and cup down on Dippers nightstand.  He smiles and turns red.

"Thank you."

Bill nodded and Dipper sat up and picked up the plate.

"Do you have a meeting today?"  He asks quietly.  Bill shook his head.

"I'm all yours today."  He grinned.  "I was thinking we could leave the castle today and I could show you some of my favorite places here.  Then we can visit Will before we go on our date."  Bill suggests.  Dipper nods.

"Sounds fun."  He says and takes a bite of his eggs.  Bill smiles.

Dipper finished breakfast and the two boys got ready for the day.  Dipper wore a red long sleeve shirt with black ripped jeans and his white sneakers.  Bill wore a white dress shirt with a yellow overcoat and black jeans and black sneakers.

"Ready?"  Bill asks before they leave the bedroom with their hands connected.

Bill teleports them into the surface ground, a lot of monsters were around and Dipper grip on Bills hand tightened as he recognized some of them.

"You alright?"  Bill asks him as they started walking.  Dipper nods silently and looks at the ground.

"Do you want to just go to Wills house?"  Bill asks, knowing he was uncomfortable here.  Dipper nodded slowly and Bill teleported them to the living room of Wills house.

"Hey Bill!  Hey Dipper!"  Will greats them both with a smile.

"Hey Will."  They both said at the same time. 

"Did you guys come here for something?"  Will asks as he sits down on the couch.  The other two boys sat down on the opposite couch.

"No, we just decided to hang out here for the day before going on our date."  Bill shrugs and Dippers face turned red.

"Aw!"  Will laughs, "you guys are so cute!  I'm so happy for you guy's."  He smiles.

"Thanks Will."  Bill says with a smile.  Dipper hides his face in Bills shoulder.

"Thanks."  He mumbled which made Bill laugh.

The rest of the day the three boys talked a lot and hung out.  They all learned more about each other.  Will told Dipper stories from when Bill was younger which made him laugh.  Around four thirty Bill decided they should leave.

"Thanks for having us Will."  Dipper said politely.

"No problem!  We should do this again."  Will says with a smile.  The two boys agree and Bill teleport's them back into the castle.

"Come here."  Bill dragged him into the kitchen and Dipper eyes widened.

The kitchen table was decorated with candles and lots of food of all kinds.  There were a lot of monsters setting up the rest of the large table and a few of them were still cooking and cleaning up the kitchen.

Bill wrapped his hands around Dippers waist.  Dippers face was beat red but he smiled.

"There aren't a lot of good restaurants here, so I asked them to set this up instead.  Hope you're okay with that."  Bill smiles and kisses his neck.  Dipper nodded.

"It's amazing Bill.  Thank you."  Dipper leaned into him a little more.

"You're welcome pinetree." 

After the table was set up the two boys sat down next to each other. 

Bill got Dipper and himself a plate and they both started eating.

"I'm sorry about the past two days pinetree."  Bill says softly.

*A/N: I'm having such a writers blockage right now someone help.*

"You don't have to apologize, I shouldn't have gotten so mad and I'm sorry that I did.  I know you have work and stuff like that.  It was just the fact that you promised and you didn't really seem to care when you got back."  Dipper explains while looking down at his plate.

"You had every right to be mad,"  Bill said while looking at him, "but we don't have to talk about this right now."

"Alright."  Dipper smiles and looks at him, "so what do you want to talk about?"

" should teach me how to cook."  Bill says, a hint of disgust in his voice.  Dipper laughed at that.

"Yeah, I can teach you how to cook."  The brunette says, "why though?  If you have monsters to do it for you?"  He says sarcastically.  Bill rolled his eyes.

"You said it's fun, didn't you?  Besides it's something we can do together."  Bill says with a smile.  Dipper nods.

"When do you want me to teach you?"  Dipper asks.

"I have a meeting tomorrow so we can tomorrow night or the next day." 

Dipper nods.

"Did you like dinner?"  Bill asks once he noticed Dipper was done with his plate.  Dipper nodded with a smile.

"It was delicious.  Thank you Bill."

"No problem!"  Bill smiles and gets up from his seat, followed by Dipper. 

They walk back to their bedroom with their hands intertwined.  They both sat on the bed and Dipper opened his book and began reading. 

Two minutes later Bill was complaining.

"Pinetreeee I'm bored!" 

"I'm not."  Dipper grins.  Bill rolls his eyes.

"Give me attention!"  Bill complained more.

Dipper ignored him and Bill sat up so he was sitting next to his boyfriend.

He quickly pulled Dipper onto his lap and Dippers face turned red.

"What the hell Cypher."  Dipper mumbled.  Bill grins.

"You wouldn't give me attention."

Dipper ignored him and continued reading.

A few minutes later Bill was fed up with lack of attention.  He kissed Dippers neck aggressively.  Dippers face turned more red.

"Okay fine you win."  Dipper muttered and put his book down.

Bill grinned and kissed his boyfriend on the lips sweetly.  It wasn't a short kiss, it lasted half a second before Dipper pulled away.

"Happy now?"  Dipper asks him sarcastically.

"Hm...not yet."  Bill kissed him again, this time it was aggressively. 

His hands moved to Dippers waist, lifting up his shirt and putting his cold hands on the shorter boys waist.

Dipper shivered and Bill took the opportunity to bite down on the shorter boys lip. 

Their tongues fight for dominance, Bill easily winning.

They continue to make out for a few minutes until Bill tries to pulls Dipper shirt off.  Dipper broke the kiss in a panic of Bill seeing his arms.

"Sorry."  Dipper says quietly.

"Don't apologize, I should have asked first."  Bill says softly and pulls him into a hug.  Dipper lays on top of bill with Bills arms wrapped around him.  Before Bill could say anything else, his boyfriend was asleep.


Word Count: 1,151
Date Published: 12/15/22

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