Chapter ten

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"Welcome to my dimension pinetree."  Bill says with a smile.

"Like I haven't been here before."  Dipper eyes him.

"Do you want to see my castle or visit Will first?"  Bill asks as he rubs the back of Dippers hand with his thumb.

"Let's visit Will!"  Dipper says with excitement.

Bill laughs and teleport's to Wills house.  He knocks on the door and walks in before Will could answer.  He runs down the stairs to greet the two boys. 

"Hey Dipper!  Hey Bill.  What are you guys doing here?"  He asks.

"Pinetree is staying in this dimension for a while."  Bill shrugs and Will looks at him.

"That'll be great!  Bill is terrible at running things around here."  Will laughs and Bill rolls his eyes.

"I am not."

Dipper laughs, "I believe Will."

"Wow.  Betrayed by my own boyfriend and brother."  Bill says dramatically.  Dipper rolls his eyes.

"We're just messing Bill."  His brother smiles.  "Have you gone to the castle yet?"

"No, we decided to stop here first.  We should probably get going though."  Bill and Dipper say their goodbyes and leave the house, waking down the street.

"Hey Bill?"


"Can't you control time here?"  Dipper asks while looking to the ground.

"Of course I can.  Why?" 

"Can you sync time here with time in my dimension?  You said that a minute here is an hour in my own dimension.  If I ever want to go back..."  Dippers voice trailed off.

"Oh yeah, I can do that."  Bill smiles.  "I'll do it when we get to the castle alright?"  Dipper nodded with a satisfied smile.

Bill teleported them both to his castle.  Dipper stiffened when he saw the inside.

It was just like his castle from weirdmageddon with a few changes.  There was a floating staircase leading up to the top, the door was large but opened and closed automatically.  The main room had a large throne made out of stone.  The pillars where large and thick and spread around the room.  Everything was black apart from the random lines of colors around the room on the walls and floors.  There was a big silver window behind and in front of the throne. 

Bill wrapped his arms around Dipper waist.  Dippers face turned bright red but he still looked around the room.

"What do you think pinetree?"  Bill kissed his neck quickly.

"It's familiar."  Dipper jokes with a grin.  Bill laughs.

"Come on, I'll show you the rest."  Bill grabbed his hand and they walk throughout the castle.  There was monsters around cleaning and cooking. 

"You really have servants?"  Dipper asks sarcastically.  Bill grins.  "You better be treating them good Cypher."  Dipper threats him.

"I will, don't worry."  Bill drags him away from the kitchen and into a large hallway.  "Do you want you're own room or do you want to share one?"

"Can we share?"  Dipper asks quietly, not admitting that the thought of having his own room in a dimension full of monsters terrified him.

Bill smiled with a nod and brought Dipper to his bedroom.

He opened the large black door and led Dipper inside.

The room was very big, a king sized bed with a large black bed frame around it.  The pillows were white and grey, matching with the blankets.  There was a black nightstand on each side of the beds.  The walls were a lace white color, contrasting with the linen white carpet.  The closest, with silver handles, was on the opposite wall as the front door.  There was a small silver window next to the closet with a black curtain that draped all the way down to the floor.  There was a door across from the bed with a silver frame and door handle, leading to a bathroom.  The bathroom was large, with a back and a separate waterfall shower.  The walls were a white marble title material, contrasting with the gray and black checkered floor tiles.

"What do you think?"  Bill asks, "we can add a few things like a desk if you'd like.  Or I can get you your own office room."  Bill smiles to his boyfriend.

"It's good.  I mean, the room is good.  I don't need an office."  Dipper says quickly.

"Let me know if you change your mind, alright?"  Bill asks the smaller boy who nods.

"Did you change the time?"  Dipper turns to him and asks.  Bill nods.

"Course I did.  Now come on, I gotta tell everyone about you."  Bill says with a smile.  Dipper blushed heavily and Bill shut the bedroom door.

"No one will bother you here if that's what you're worried about."  Bill says as they walk back down the hallway.

"No, it's just a bit weird."  Dipper says truthfully.

"You'll get used to it."  Bill promised.

"Why doesn't Will live here if you have so much extra space?"  Dipper asks him while looking down at their connected hands.

"He did a while ago.  He didn't like it though, it made him uncomfortable because everyone acted like they were scared of him because he was and is close to me."  Bill explained.  Dipper nodded and looked ahead of him.

"How are you going to tell everyone?"  Dipper asks him.  Bill smirks.

"I'll show you, come on!"  He runs with Dipper back out to the main room with the throne. 

Bill teleport's himself and his boyfriend onto the throne, teleporting Dipper onto his lap.  Bill had sized him and Dipper up more so they wouldn't look so small on the throne.

"I hate you Cypher."  Dipper mumbled and leaned his head against Bills shoulder.  Bill smiled.

"Love you too pinetree."  Bill said while playing with the other boys hair.

"How are you gonna tell everyone?"  Dipper asks him.

"Oh, right!  I'm gonna teleport everyone here."  Bill says. 

"That's a lot Bill."  Dipper says unsure.  Bill kissed the top of his head.

"It'll be okay.  I promise."  Bill traces his hand up Dippers back and to his neck, "I'll tell them you're my princess."  Bill smirks.

"Bill!"  Dipper turns more red and complains.

"It's true pinetree."  Bill puts his hand on the back of his neck.  "Alright, enough stalling."

Bill teleports a little over one hundred monsters into the room.  It wasn't to crowded because of how big the room was.  No one was surprised because Bill had sent an announcement into everyone's mind without Dipper knowing.

"Alright everyone listen up!"  Bill shouted.  The room went silent and Dipper stifled a laugh.


Word Count: 1,087
Date Published: 12/12/22

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