Chapter eighteen

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The next few weeks went by quickly and without any problems.  Until it was the first meeting Dipper had to go to.

Bill sat on the bed holding Dipper close to him.  Dipper had admitted that he was scared to go and Bill felt bad.

"You know you don't have to go."  Bill whispers. 

"No I want to go."  Dipper protested.

Bill pulled Dipper up by his chin so he was looking into his eyes.  Dipper found it impossible to keep the eye contact.

"You don't always have to be brave pinetree."  He said softly.  Dippers heart pounded harder and he nodded as his face turned red.

"Yeah, I know."  Dipper said quietly.  "But I want to go."

"Okay."  Bill said softly, "if you get uncomfortable you need to tell me."

"I promise."  Dipper smiled and kissed the other boy, who kissed him back.

It was soft but lasted a while until Dipper pulled back for some air.

"Time to go?"  Dipper asks him.  Bill nods and teleports them to the conference room.

The monsters stare and the two of them as Bill leads Dipper over to where their sitting.  Bill had turned the cups of blood into cups of water so it didn't make Dipper uncomfortable. 

The two boys sat down and Dipper subconsciously grabbed Bills hand tightly.  He glued his eyes to the table and didn't look up at the monsters who were staring at him.  Bill shot them all death glares.

Once the meeting started, the monsters started off by talking about the actions of people in the dimension.  Not long after, the conversation turned over to Dipper.

"So where does he fit into all this?"  The monster pointed to Dipper who visibly sinked down in his seat.

"If the people see someone else ruling along side with Bill, it'll be a new sight to them.  Plus it'll be a change of pace from the way Bill runs things."  One of the monsters said.

"He's not going to have a big part in this."  Bill demanded.

"If he agreed-"  Bill cut the monster off.

"I don't care if he agreed or not.  He will be ruling with me but he will not have a big part in it.  I am not risking that."  Bill said in a cold voice, his grip on Dippers hand tightened. 

"Just consider the possibilities-"  one of the monsters began, but Bill cut them off.

"I'm not risking my boyfriends safety just because you all are paranoid."

"It's not paranoid Bill, it's being truthful.  We aren't worried about us, we're worried about you're power in this dimension."  The monster said annoyed.

"Please, I can kill anyone with the snap on my fingers.  Pinetree can decide what he wants to do, and what he doesn't want to do.  But no one here will force him into a situation he doesn't want to be in, got it?"  Bill eyed each one of the monsters who all nodded out of fear.  "Great!  If that's all, we'll be leaving."

Bill smiled sarcastically and teleported him and his boyfriend back to their bedroom.

Bill hugged Dipper tightly.  Dipper hugged him back and buried his head in the side of Bills neck.  Dipper tried not to be scared of the events that took place during the meeting.  He hugged Bill tighter and Bill sighed.

"I won't let them hurt you pinetree, you know that right?"  Bill asks him quietly.  Dipper nods silently.

"You won't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with."

"Yeah, I know."  Dipper said quietly.  "I'll get over it though, it's just weird recognizing some of them."

Bill knew what he was trying to say, and he felt worse then he did before.  He knew it was his fault that Dipper felt this way. 

Bill pulled away from the hug and cupped Dippers face so the smaller boy was looking at him.

"I'm sorry pinetree."  He said softly.  Dipper nodded against Bills hands.

"I know.  You don't have to keep apologizing."  Dipper grinned. 

"I do though.  I don't deserve you, at all." 

"Stop it.  I forgave you for everything a long time, you know that.  It doesn't make me uncomfortable being around them, it's just a bit weird to me."  Dipper explained.  Bill nodded.

"That doesn't mean I don't deserve you.  With everything I've done, I really don't know how I got so lucky."  Bill smiled and Dippers face turned a light shade of pink.

Bill kissed his boyfriend lightly and passionately.  Dipper almost immediately kissed back, feeling Bills lips on his own was the best feeling he ever felt.  It felt right, to both boys.  Bill was the first one to pull away, making Dipper slightly upset by the lack of contact.

Bills hands moved from Dippers face to his neck.  Dipper smiled at him.

"I love you pinetree."  Bill said quietly.  Dippers face turned red at Bill saying those words to him for the first time.

"I love you too Bill."  Dipper smiled and kissed him lightly again.


Word Count: 841
Date Published: 12/19/22

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