Chapter eight

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A few days later Dipper finally decided it was time to tell Mabel that he had a boyfriend named Bill Cypher.

Dippers head laid in Bill's lap as they both looked at the river.  Bill played with the boys hair and hummed.

"I'm gonna tell her today."  Dipper says suddenly.


"Mabel.  I'm gonna tell her about us today."  He decided.  Bill smiles.

"Just be careful okay?  I don't need you getting hurt."  Bill says quietly.  Dipper nodded and looked up at him.

"She's my twin.  She won't hurt me."  He said confidently.  Bill nods in agreement.

"I'm just worried she'll tell my uncles."  Dipper said quietly.

"They can't kill me pinetree."

"They can hurt you."  He replies seriously.

"I'll be okay."  Bill reassured him.  "I'm more worried about you.  What if they try to hurt you?"

"It's not like I haven't dealt with being hurt before."  Dipper eyes him.  Bill rolled his eyes with a grin.

"I'm serious pinetree.  I don't want you getting hurt.  Especially if I'm not there."

"I won't get hurt Bill."  Dipper promises.  "They won't hurt me."

"You never know.  People are unpredictable."  Bill sighs, "even if they don't hurt you they'll likely get mad."

"And I'm prepared for that."  Dipper says quietly.

"Can I visit you in your dream tonight so you can tell me her reaction?"  Bill asks him.  Dipper nods eagerly.

The younger boys sat up and locked eyes with the blond in front of him. 

Bill pulled him into a sweet kiss after asking consent.  Dipper kissed back passionately and quickly.  He could tell that the kiss wouldn't be very long so he wanted to enjoy it while it lasted.

Bills hand moved slowly to Dippers neck as he deepened the kiss slightly. 

Dipper didn't want to, but he broke away from his boyfriend to breath.  Bill didn't mind, his lips trailed from the corner of his lips, down to Dippers neck.

Dipper let out a whimper and his face grew red.  Bill smirked against his boyfriends neck.

"Do that again."  Bill orders as he grabs Dipper waist, pulling him closer.

Dipper refuses and Bill bites down on his neck.  Dipper moans at the contact, causing Bill to smirk and kiss him roughly again.

"You better not have left a mark on me Bill Cypher."  Dipper threatened him once they pulled away from each other.  Bill grins and pulls him in for another kiss.  It was sweet and short.  Once they pulled away they smiled at each other.

"The marks not that bad."  Bill smirks and runs his hand over Dippers neck.  He slapped Bills arm.

"Ow!  Pinetree that hurt!"  He complained like a child.  Dipper rolled his eyes.

"Bill my family is going to see!"

"Relax.  It's not that bad.  It'll be gone before tonight."  Bill laughs.  Dipper sighs.

"I hate you."

"I love you too pinetree."  Bull teases.

They heard someone call for Dipper near the outside edge of the forest.  Dipper smiles and Bill kisses his head.

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