Chapter five

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A few weeks past of the same boring summer.  Dipper was constantly bored out of his mind and always had nothing to do.

His friendship with Bill grew more stronger everyday.  They always met at noon until one of them had to leave.  Dipper really enjoyed being around Bill.  Maybe a little to much.

He had been thinking about that for the past week.  If he had a crush on Bill or not.  He felt like he did but at the same time he thought, how could I like him?  He tried to kill me and my family. But the other part of him knew that it wasn't Bills fault.  Well it wasn't interlay Bills fault.

It was around eleven forty-five.  Dipper decided he would go downstairs and see what everyone was up to. 

Stan was watching tv, Mabel was sitting at the table working on a new scrapbook.  Ford was sitting at the table in the kitchen reading something.

"Guys I'm going out."  Dipper calls.

"Wait Dip!"  Mabel says.  Dipper looks back at her.

"It's just, everyday you leave at the same time and don't come back until late at night.  What's up with that?"  Mabel shouts to him from the table.

"Yeah, where do you go?"  Ford asks him.  Dipper grew anxious.  Was meeting Bill to risky?

"Just to the forest."  Dipper shrugs.

"What, you gotta secret girlfriend or something?"  Stan jokes.  Dippers face grew a light shade of red.

"Ew Grunkel Stan."  He gags.  "You all know me, I just like exploring."

"Well be careful.  And make sure you're back before dinner this time."  Ford says.  Dipper nods and leaves the house.

He walks to their meeting place slowly, taking in the view.  It was really peaceful.

He eventually got to their meeting place, Bill was already there.  He sat down next to the taller man who smiled.


"Hi."  Dipper said with a blush.

Okay, maybe I do have a crush on a demon.  So what? He thought to himself.

"I was thinking maybe you could meet my brother today if you wanted."  Bill suggests.

"Sure, but can we talk real quick?"  Dipper asks him.  He responds with a nod and Dipper continued, "my family's getting suspicious.  I don't think we should be meeting as often as we do."  He says sadly.  Bill grins.

"It'll be okay pinetree.  Nothing will happen to me."  Bill promises him.

"Oh yeah I know.  It's just scary sometimes."  Dipper shrugs.

"Well don't worry about it to much alright, I don't like seeing you stressed out."  Bill runs a hand through Dippers hair and the two boys lock eyes.  Dippers face turns bright red as Bills hand falls onto Dippers neck.

"Yeah um okay."  Dipper mumbled, unable to think. 

Bill grins and takes his hand away from Dippers neck.

"Wanna meet my brother now?" 

"Uh, right.  Yeah sure."  Dipper says quickly, his mind lost in thoughts of what just happened.

The two boys stand up and Bill moved quickly closer to Dipper, causing Dipper to jump a bit but quickly realized that Bill wasn't going to hurt him.  Bill noticed but didn't say anything.  He wanted today to be fun for Dipper.

Bill led Dipper out of the forest. 

"I can't be away for that long."  Dipper tells him.  Bill nods.

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