Chapter seventeen

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A few weeks past without Dipper hurting himself or someone else.  Slowly, Bill began to trust him to be by himself more.

The two boys sat cuddling on their bed before Bill had to go to another meeting.  Dippers head laid on Bills chest as Bill played with his hair, tracing his fingers over Dippers birthmark once more.

"I told you to stop that."  Dipper mumbles tiredly.  Bill smiled.

"And I told you no." 

It was quiet for a while until Bill realized what time it was.  He sighed quietly.

"I have to leave pinetree."  He says quietly.  Dipper groans.

"Nooo."  He protested and held Bill closer.  Bill chuckled.

"I won't be gone that long, alright?"  Bill promised.

Dipper sighed and sat up, allowing Bill to get up.  Dipper was staring at the bed emotionlessly and Bill walked into the bathroom to do his hair.

A few minutes later he put the comb down onto the counter and stared at the sink, thinking.

"Listen.  If, I let you stay here.  You have to promise not to hurt yourself."  Bill says sternly.  Dipper looked at him happily.

"Yeah!  Yeah totally!"  He says with a smile.  Bill couldn't help but smile, hearing the excitement in his boyfriends voice.  He walked back over to the bed and kissed Dipper on the top of his head.

"I swear if you do anything."  Bill mutters, mostly to himself but Dipper heard him anyway.

"I promise I won't."  Dipper replies with a smile.

"Good.  I've got to go, I'll be back soon."  Bill says.  Dipper nods and Bill teleports to the meeting.

Dipper was happy he was able to be by himself again.  He decided to write a little in his journal that Bill had given to him.

Meanwhile, Bill had arrived to the meeting just in time.

The room was like a conference room, except the desk was made of black stone and the seats were all a raven black color and were cushioned.  There was a silver chandelier that hung in the middle of the room.  Each seat was completed with a book, pen and a cup of liquid, that Bill could only assume was blood. 

There was already a few monsters sitting down socializing.  Of course, it got quiet when Bill walked in.  Everyone was scared of him which he didn't mind.  It was funny to him.

Once the meeting got started Bill couldn't pay attention.  He was to focused on his boyfriend that was sitting in their bedroom right now, alone.  Bill was still scared that Dipper was going to hurt himself, although he tried not to think about it.

"Bill!"  Someone shouted, causing him to break from his trance.

"What?  Yeah?"  He says confused.

"The people need to have a change.  If we aren't taking over dimensions anymore, they are going to start getting bored and going to try to overthrow your power."  One of the monsters said worriedly.  Bill only scoffed.

"I'd like to see them try." 

"This is serious Cypher."  Another one of the monsters said.

"I am taking this seriously.  That's why we aren't taking over dimensions anymore.  I don't know what else to do, I'm not hearing any suggestions."  He said annoyed. 

"What about your boyfriend?"  One of the monsters chimed in.  Bill shook his head.

"He's not getting involved in this, I don't need him getting hurt."  Bill said in a cold voice.

"He's not weak."  One of the monsters said.

"He killed you when he was only thirteen."  Another one of them said to Bill.

"I can't be killed."  Bill snapped.

"You know what I mean."  The monster replied.

"Listen, we aren't getting pinetree involved in this."  Bill demanded, "he doesn't want to be apart of it."

"Then what do you propose we do Cypher?"  One of the monsters said annoyed.  "We're out of options."

Bill though for a minute, staring into his full cup of blood.  It disgusted him now.  He found that odd. 

"I will talk to pinetree."  Bill said slowly, "I will talk to him.  I won't make any promises.  If he doesn't want to be apart of it then I won't make him."

"We don't have any other options."  One of them said.

"I'll figure something else out."  Bill hissed.

"Okay, you will talk to the kid.  If he agrees, great.  If he disagrees he'll come to the next meeting."  One of the monsters demanded.

"No.  Immediately no.  He doesn't want to come to the meetings."  Bill said seriously.  "If he doesn't want to be apart of it then I will figure something else out."

"We don't have time for all this." 

"I'll make time."  Bill said with a cold voice and stood up, "now if you excuse me, this meeting is over." 

Bill teleported back to the bedroom, annoyed with everything.  He knew the monsters were talking about him but he didn't care.  He opened his eyes and found his boyfriend sitting on the bed reading.  Bill noticed the brunette wearing one of his hoodies.  Bill smiled at how cute he looked in it.

Dipper looked up from his book and smiled.  "Hey you're back!"  He says excitedly.  He put his book down as Bill walked over to him.  Bill stood above him with a small smile.

"You didn't do anything to yourself, did you?"  He asked quietly.  Dipper rolled up both his sleeves with a smile.

"I told you I wouldn't."  He pulled his sleeves back down and looked up at Bill, who was smiling softly.

He kissed the smaller boy passionately.  Dipper felt Bills lips on him and he lightly kissed back.  It only lasted a few seconds but both boys were smiling when they pulled away from one another.

Bill sat down on the bed in front of Dipper.  Dipper looked at him questioningly.  He noticed that something was off.

"Um, are you okay?  You seem stressed out."  Dipper asks quietly.  Bill smiled at him and grabbed his hand lightly.

"I have to ask you something, but you have to be completely honest with me because I don't want to put you in a situation where you're uncomfortable."  Bill begins.

"Well that's comforting."  Dipper jokes.  Bill grins at him.

"I'm serious."

"Alright.  Let's hear it."  Dipper sighs.

Bill explains what happened at the meeting quietly.  He watched Dippers expression carefully, looking for any signs for him to stop talking.  But Dippers face didn't change throughout the whole thing.  Like he was expecting something like this to happen.  Of course, in the inside it terrified him.  But he always put up a brave front.  Or tried to anyway.

"So what I'm really asking is, would you feel comfortable ruling this dimension with me?  You'll have to go to meetings, and make decisions, and probably leave the castle and go around the dimension a lot.  But I'll be with you the whole time.  I'll never leave you're side."  Bill asks.  "You don't have to decide right now, and you don't have to say yes if you don't want to."

Dipper nodded, "if you'll be there."  He said quietly, "I don't mind."

"Are you sure?"  Bill asks him seriously.  Dipper nods with a smile.

"Of course."

Bill hugs him with a laugh and Dipper hugs him back tightly, unsure of what he's just agreed to.


Word Count: 1,223
Date Published: 12/18/22

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