Ch 2: Safe & Sound

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"The sun is going down, you'll be alright, no one can hurt you now"

My fingers glided over the letter Aegon had sent. It had only been a week since we arrived at Winterfell. After my father died, Brandon moved up in line to succeed our grandfather as Head of House Stark and Warden of the North. Many were skeptical, mainly because of how young he was. At only nineteen years old he was to be the Warden of the North, he technically already was.

Our grandfathers death shook many around the realm, the same reaction when my father had died. My mother broke down into tears when she heard the news, it broke her heart. Not only because my grandfather was dead but because she knew she would be losing Brandon.

After my fathers death six years ago, we officially moved back to Kings Landing. My mother wanted to be with my grandfather, King Viserys as she had already lost my grandmother when she was away at Winterfell. It also gave her time to be with my aunt Rhaenyra, who my mother used to be so close to.

I jumped as someone knocked on the door. I quickly hid away the letter before walking to the door. I opened it to be faced with my mother. I forced a smile as she put her cold hand to my face. 

"You've been up here a long time, Lyanna" she said.

"I know" I said softly.

"You should be spending time with your brother. You won't see him for a long time" she said.

I walked into the room and towards the window to see Brandon talking with a group of girls. Ever since we were young, he'd always gave a group of girls following him. Actually, both him and Rickon would. It made sense, Brandon needed to produce an heir sooner rather than later.

"He's plenty busy" I said.

"He'll make time for you" she said. "You're his baby sister."

I felt my eyes tear up, knowing I too was losing my brother. At least when we returned to Kings Landing I would have Rickon but Brandon was the oldest, he was my protector and I was losing him.

"We leave soon" she said.

I heard her walk into the room as I turned around. Apparently I hadn't fully hidden the letter as she was walking towards it. She grabbed it, not taking a full look at it before looking to me.

"What is this?" She asked.

I snatched it from her hands, throwing it into the fire, smiling.

"Nothing" I said. "Just an update from Kings Landing."

"From who?" She asked.

I wanted to tell her the truth but she was on Rhaenyra's side with the whole heir to the Iron Throne situation. She despised Alicent ever since she sliced Rhaenyra's arm with no repercussions. She felt Aegon had no right to the Iron Throne and truthfully I agreed with her.

"Jace" I lied.

I knew she was worried I'd say Aegon.

"Oh!" She said.

I forced a smile, knowing I would've been scolded if I had told the truth. I tried ignoring her longing gaze as my smile faded. 

"I should probably go out to say my goodbye to Brandon" I said.

I walked past her to go outside. Brandon was still surrounded by girls as I approached. They ogled him like he was a piece of meat. As I got closer Brandon noticed me.

"Excuse me, ladies" he said.

He walked away from them as they glared at me before realizing it was me and not a random girl taking him away.

"Brother" I said.

"Sister" he said. 

I smiled, looking down at the snow. 

"So, I take it that letter was from Aegon?" He asked.

"Don't tell her" I said.

We walked side by side as I crossed my arms.

"You are to marry soon. I'm sure to someone of great name" he said. "Sometimes we have to marry for duty and not love."

"Have you found a wife?" I asked.

"Not yet, but I will" he said. "Do not change the subject, Lyanna."

"Who said I love Aegon?" I asked. "Because I didn't."

He glared at me as I unfolded my arms. 

"You ever wish you could just disappear? Like fake your death and live secluded where nobody knows who you are?" I said.

"And what purpose would I have to do that?" He said. "Someone has to protect the North. You have a gift that has been foretold in books about the Targaryens, a gift that is only bestowed upon those who are worthy. Don't waste it, Lyanna."

We ended up at our dragons as I put my hand to Starfyre's nose. I smiled, feeling her happiness to see me.

"Believe it or not, the realm respects you, they see you as a God" he said.

"I am no God" I said.

"You're the closest thing to God this realm has seen since Princess Alyssa died" he said. "Now, don't do anything foolish."

"I have a feeling you have something else you wish to say" I said. 

I turned around as he sighed, a small cloud erupting from his mouth from the cold. 

"I know of your feelings for Aegon" he said. "You may be able to fool everyone else but not me. It will need to end soon. You will marry Jace Velaryon and one day you will become Queen."

"I don't need to be reminded every day of my life" I said. 

"But you do" he said. "I know you have conflicted feelings for both of them, a side must be chosen and I do wish you choose the right one."

I held my hand up as a small ball of fire formed in my palm. 

"I wish I didn't have this" I said. "My life would be so much easier without it."

"I know" he said. "I don't mean to be so harsh on you but both mother and father have not when they needed to be. Whatever you choose to do, the North will stand by you."

I walked to him, wrapping my arms around him as he did the same. 

"I love you" I whispered. 

"We'll see each other soon, little wolf" he said. 

I smiled, not hearing that nickname since our father died. I couldn't bare to say goodbye as I got onto Starfyre. 

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