Ch 10: Sweet Nothing

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"All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing"

Jace and I got off our dragons as I said a quick goodbye to Starfyre. Her and Vermax flew to find food as we headed towards the Great Keep.

I smiled, waving my hand as the people of the North bowed. Two guards stood outside the doors as my smile faltered. I clasped my hands together, expecting them to know who I was. 

"Move, please" I said.

They stayed their ground as I took one of my gloves off. I held my hand up as a small ball of fire formed.

"I'm Princess Lyanna Stark, I would like to see my brother" I said.

They moved aside as Jace and I walked inside. I looked around, remembering my time as a child here.

"It's cold here" Jace said.

"It is the North" I laughed. "So, yeah it's cold."

We walked down the halls until we got to the Great Hall. I handed Jace my gloves as I ran to my brother.

"Oh, Lyanna" Brandon said.

"I missed you" I said.

We pulled apart as Jace walked over. Brandon looked confused at his presence as they shook hands.

"Jacaerys" Brandon said. "Good to see you."

"We're betrothed" I said.

A smiled erupted on Brandon's face as he hugged Jace. I noticed a girl, probably a year or two older than me at the table Brandon was once sitting at.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"This, my dear sister, is Celia Tully. She is the daughter of Elmo Tully" he said. "My wife."

I walked towards her, holding my hand out as she hesitantly shook my hand. I looked at her growing stomach, forcing a smile.

"This calls for a celebration!" Brandon said. "My sister is betrothed and will become Queen of the Seven Kingdoms!"

"It's not necessary" I said.

"I knew you would marry my sister one day!" He said.

He grabbed Jace by the shoulders, shaking him when I saw Cregan. I looked at Celia, who was already looking at me as I made my way to Cregan. He motioned for me to follow him down the hall as I did so.

"He married a Tully?" I asked.

"Her great grandfather was very persuasive when talking to Brandon" he said. "I don't trust him or her."

"And she is already with child?" I said.

"From what I have gathered, Grover Tully is in full support of Aegon as King and unsurping Rhaenyra of the crown" he said. "Thus jeopardizing Prince Jacaerys right to the Iron Throne, and you as Queen."

"Where did you hear this from?" I asked.

"The talks of the Riverrun are quiet but I hear everything" he said. "I will do anything to protect my house and my family."

He walked away as I looked at Celia. Jace walked over to me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah" I said.

He looked at me as if he didn't believe me. I excused myself to go down to the crypts. I walked down the long hallway that was lit by lanterns. I passed by my grandfathers tomb until I came upon my fathers. My eyes began to tear up when I heard footsteps approach. I quickly wiped my eyes, realizing it was Brandon.

"He'd be proud of you, Lyanna" he said.

"I haven't done anything worth being proud of" I said.

"You think very ill of yourself" he said.

"I'm not wrong" I said.

He sighed, stepping closer to me.

"Since you are marrying Jacaerys does this mean your feelings for Aegon are gone?" He asked.

I closed my eyes, shaking my head.

"I feel like everybody has expected me to marry Jace, even before father died" I said. "I love him, I truly do, but.. I wish it wasn't this hard."

"Nothing is ever easy" he said. "But I do expect you to do the right thing."

"Were you going to tell me you married a Tully?" I asked. 

"You say that as if it were a bad thing?" He said. 

I remained silent as he scoffed. 

"Cregan has gotten inside your head" he said. 

"He is not far off" I said. 

"They're good to have as an ally" he said. 

"Could've married a Frey" I said. "Greyjoy even."

"I need an heir sooner rather than later" he said. "As of right now Rickon is the heir and I know he would rather be fed to the wolves than be the Warden of the North."

I laughed, agreeing with him. 

"I don't trust her" I said. 

"You don't trust a lot of people" he said. 

"That is a very accurate statement" I said. 

"We should go back. I'm sure Cregan is boring Jacaerys" he said. 

We left the crypt as I took one last look at our father. Jace was sitting at the table, nodding his head as Cregan talked about the layout of the North. I put my hand on Jace's shoulder as he put his hand over mine. 

"Cregan, you seem to be boring my betrothed" I said. 

"Oh, he's not boring me" Jace said. 

"Would you rather me show you around?" I asked. 

He quickly got up as we left the Great Keep. We walked around as I showed him the spot my father used to train with Brandon and Rickon. I stopped, picking up a bow. 

"And this is where I almost took Rickon's head off" I said. 

I grabbed an arrow, pulling it back as I looked at the target. 

"Are you sure you can shoot that?" He asked. 

I let it go as it hit the target dead center. 

"In Kings Landing it is not very lady like to know how to fight, let alone a princess but my father didn't care" I said. "He said there might be a time where I needed to fight. He would tell me every night.. the North always remembers."

I set the bow down, turning around to a smiling Jace. 

"What?" I said. 

"I just.. I get to marry you" he said. "I get to call you my wife someday."

I walked towards him, putting my hands in his. 

"I love you, Jace" I whispered. 

He placed his lips onto mine as I moved my hands to his neck. 

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