Ch 7: Dear Reader

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"Never take advice from someone who's falling apart"

Alicent and I sat across from one another in silence. I looked around to avoid looking at her. 

"Lyanna" she said breaking the long silence. 

"Yes?" I said. 

"Look at me" she said. 

I waited a few seconds before looking at her. She put her hand over mine on the table as I flinched. 

"We don't get to talk much" she said. 

I forced a smile, sliding my hand away from hers. 

"Your mother has painted a rather ugly picture of me" she said. 

"So, what exactly did you want to talk to me about?" I asked. 

Anytime I was with Alicent alone I got uncomfortable. It always felt like there was an alternative motive behind any of her actions. 

"You and Aegon have gotten close these past couple years" she said. 

"Why do you say that?" I asked. 

"You know why" she said. 

I tilted my head, sitting up straight. 

"No, I don't actually" I said. 

"You are not stupid, Lyanna, I'll give you that" she said. 

"If you have nothing more to say than I am leaving" I said. 

I stood up, walking towards the door when she spoke. 

"You could be Queen" she said. 

"I have no idea what you are talking about" I said. 

I walked out of the room as Ser Rickard waited for me. We were walking back to my chambers when Luc ran towards us. He ran directly to me, nearly knocking over. 

"I need your help" he said. 

"With what?" I asked. 

"Arrax" he said. 

"Is he okay?" I asked. 

"Just come" he said. 

He grabbed my hand, pulling me down to the dragon pit. I could hear Arrax in pain as I walked to him while Luc stayed a few feet behind me. I put my hand up as I approached Arrax. He was hesitant to let me approach him as I tilted my head. Finally he let his guard down as I put my hand to his head. I closed my eyes, feeling the young dragons pain. 

"It'll be okay" I whispered. 

I turned around to Luc. 

"He's fine, he's just overdramatic and has a tummy ache" I said. 

"Are you sure?" He asked. 

I smiled, nodding. 

"He just needs to eat" I said. 

"Thank you" he said. 

He wrapped his arms around me as I laughed. I ruffled his hair before leaving Luc to be with Arrax. I was almost to my room when someone grabbed my hand, yanking me towards them. I glared at Aemond, pulling my arm away from his hand. 

"What is your problem?" I snapped. 

"My problem? You set my leg on fire" he said. 

"Get away from me, Aemond" I said. 

I went to walk past him when he grabbed my arm. 

"Ow!" I said. 

"Aemond!" Rickon yelled. 

We both turned around as Rickon walked towards us. Aemond let go of my arm as Rickon examined it. They glared at one another until Rickon pulled me away. 

"Did he hurt you?" He asked. 

"No" I said. 

"I got a message from Brandon" he said. "He's found a wife."

"That's good" I said. 

"I know you miss him, I do too" he said. 

He walked me to my chambers as I entered my room alone. I realized I hadn't seen Aegon in days as I went back and forth if I should go find him. Someone knocked on my door as I went to answer it. I opened the door to be faced with a disheveled Aegon. 

"Are you okay?" I asked. 

I looked around before pulling him in. 

"Aegon?" I said. 

He went to sit on my bed as I walked towards him. 

"Are you going to say anything?" I asked. 

He put his hands on my waist, pulling me towards him. He looked up as I put my hands on his head. I lowered my head, placing a small kiss on his lips. He stood up, crashing his lips onto mine as the kiss deepened. 

His hand slid down my back, sending chills down my spine. He began untying the back of my dress, kissing down my neck. I let a soft moan escape as his fingers traced up and down my spine. My dress came off my shoulder as we stared at one another. 

"Lyanna!" Someone yelled. 

I pushed Aegon off me as Illyana stood a few feet away from us. She was looking at Aegon who quickly left. I pulled my dress back over my shoulders as she slammed the door shut. 

"What have I told you!" She said. "Must you learn the hard way."

"I let it get out of hand" I said. 

"You are lucky it was me who walked in and not your mother" she said. 

She helped me get my dress back on correctly as my mind went to Jace. I closed my eyes until Illyana was finished tying my dress. 

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