Ch 21: Labyrinth

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"You would break your back to make me break a smile"

I angrily walked down the hall as Aegon tried to calm me down.

"Just breath" he said.

"How can I breath when Daemon has taken over Harrenhall" I said. "This is exactly what I did not want to happen. This gives Rhaenyra hope that she will sit the Iron Throne."

Ser Rickard and Ser Arryk met us halfway to the council chambers.

"Any word from Ser Criston?" I asked.

"No, Your Grace" Ser Rickard said.

I took a deep breath, slowly letting it out.

"Ser Arryk, I am dispatching you to Dragonstone. Your brother is there, perhaps you can go there under the presumption you are him" I said. "I need more information. But do not, under any circumstance harm Rhaenyra or any of her boys."

"Yes, Your Grace" he said.

They both walked away as I grabbed my cramping stomach. I took deep breaths as the cramping slowly ceased. Aegon had thought for weeks I was pregnant, though I believed it to be stress.

"Maybe you should lie down" Aegon said.

"Not with Rhaenyra after the Iron Throne" I said. "I still have a kingdom to oversee, this isn't just about war."

We continued to the council chambers as I went to sit at the head of the table. Rickon handed me a piece of rolled up paper.

"What is this?" I asked.

"It's Brandon" he said.

Rickon looked distraught as I slowly rolled out the paper. Cregan was to escort Celia and the baby to Kings Landing. The North was well protected but Brandon refused to be away from his wife and daughter, I had sent a raven weeks ago to have Cregan bring Celia and their baby here, knowing they would be well protected. 

I read the paper, my heart instantly started to hurt as I put the paper down, putting my hand over my eyes. I held back my tears before removing my hand. I looked at Rickon, fearing the worst.

"Where is Brandon?" I asked.

He shook his head as anger filled my body.

"Your Queen is asking a question" I said.

"He's going to kill one of Rhaenyra's sons" he said. "A child for a child."

I looked at Daeron who was sitting opposite to Rickon.

"And the Lady Celia? Is she still alive?" I asked.

"It was only their daughter who was killed" Daeron said. "On Daemon's orders."

"Brandon has never been one for revenge. It was never the Stark way" I said. "Starks are not kinslayers!"

I slammed my fists on the table, shocking everyone.

"Prince Daeron, go to Dragonstone, stop my brother from doing something he will soon regret" I said. "I do not care what you need to do, make sure he does not kill one of Rhaenyra's sons."

Daeron nodded before leaving the table. I looked at Aemond who had been oddly quiet.

"I want you to bring Lady Celia to Kings Landing immediately" I said. "Then I want you to meet with Ser Criston before he gets to Harrenhall. He'll need all the help he can get with Daemon."

He walked out of the chambers as I ordered everyone else out.

"If Brandon kills one of her sons, the realm may be easily swayed" I said. "Starks don't kill children, and we don't kill our own family. They will see Brandon as a traitor to the name, the North may not even stand by my side. Cregan may even turn against me."

"We both know Cregan would never turn against you" Rickon said. "He doesn't break oaths and he cared for our father too much to leave us."

"I didn't want bloodshed" I whispered.

"You cannot have war without bloodshed, Lyanna" he said. "It's not possible. They are the ones who first brought it upon us. Our mother was killed on Rhaenyra's orders to come to Kings Landing. She sent her own sister to her death! Otto may have given the order but the blood is on Rhaenyra's hands."

"So, then I must return the favor with more death?" I said. "I don't want the people of the realm to fear me, I want them to see me as their Queen."

"They do see you as their Queen, sweet sister.. but a monarch cannot rule without little fear distilled into their people" he said.

"Leave the room" I said.

"Lyanna.." he said.

"Go!" I said.

My stomach began cramping again as I yelled out in pain. I took deep breaths as Aegon ran in with a maester. 

"I told you I'm fine" I said. 

"Lyanna" Aegon said 

We both stared at one another until one of us gave up. He shook his head, finally looking away. 

"I'm sorry for wasting your time, maester" I said. 

"Not a waste of time, My Queen" he said. 

He walked out of the council chambers as Aegon walked forward, placing his hand on my stomach. I smacked his hand away as he laughed. 

"I am not with child" I said. 

"You can't be so sure, my love" he said. 

He placed a soft kiss on my forehead as I leaned into him. 

"I hope Daeron is able to stop Brandon before he kills one of Rhaenyra's sons" I said. 

"Daeron will get the job done" he said. 

I looked up to him as he put his hands on either side of my face. 

"What if I can't do this?" I whispered. "What if we fight in this war and I can't do what is needed?"

He rubbed circles on my cheeks as tears filled my eyes. 

"I have full faith in you, Lyanna. If I didn't think you could do it, I wouldn't be by your side these past few months" he said. "It's not going to be easy. You will have to make tough decisions.."

"I don't want rage to fuel me" I said. 

"Sometimes you need it to fuel you" he said. 

I smiled, placing a kiss on his lips before leaving the council chambers. I walked down the halls for some time until I ended up at the doors of the throne room. I slowly opened the doors, looking in. 

"You will need an heir, sooner than later, Lyanna" Alicent said. 

I looked to my left to see Alicent. 

"What if I am like my grandmother and cannot bear children?" I asked. "She nearly died giving birth to my own mother who was her first child."

"I will guide you throughout it all" she said. "I think you are with child right now."

"No" I said. 

"I have been through four pregnancies, Lyanna, I know a pregnant woman when I see one" she said. 

She walked closer to me, grabbing my hand. 

"You're not alone" she said. 

I looked at Alicent, realizing how much she had truly helped with the loss of my mother. She would never be able to replace her but she was filling the void that was once filled by her. 

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