Ch 5: Look What You Made Me Do

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"The role you made me play, of the fool, no, I don't like you"

"Repeat" the teacher said.

I looked away, trying not to laugh as Jace tried to recite the paragraph in High Valryian.

"Lyanna!" She snapped.

"Sorry" I whispered.

Jace nudged me as I nudged him back. Our teacher rolled her eyes, quickly dismissing us.

"You could not have kept a straight face for five more minutes?" He said. "I almost had it down."

"You did not almost have it down" I said.

He smiled, shaking his head as I laughed. We walked to the courtyard as I looked over to see Rickon and Aemond going at it. There was a crowd around them as they dueled. I tilted my head watching their every move.

Rickon was two years older than us and had been trained by our father at such a young age. He was easily the best fighter here. Aemond was closely behind as he struggled to get an upper hand on Rickon.

I could feel someone watching me as I looked around. Aegon was standing next to Ser Criston, looking directly at me. For a split second, the world was silent and it was just him and I, until I heard Rickon yell out. I looked to him on the ground, running down the stairs. I pushed past all the spectators, kneeling before him. He was holding his arm as my hands shook, seeing all the blood.

"What is your problem?" Rickon yelled.

I looked at Aemond who was smiling. In a fit of rage, I stood up, balls of fire igniting in the palms of my hands. Everyone quickly backed away as I began to lose control, setting Aemond's leg on fire. Alls I saw was red until I heard his yells. I blinked a few times until everything became clear again. I slowly stepped back until I hit a person. I looked over my shoulder to see Jace, he grabbed my hand, his face wincing at the heat.

He pulled me away as everyone tended to Aemond. Rickon was taken inside to our mothers chambers where his cut was further examined. I stayed quiet as my mother paid more attention to Rickon, not noticing the tears that stained my cheeks.

"It'll be okay" Jace whispered.

The maester was finishing closing the cut on Rickon's arm as my mother walked over.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Aemond caught Rickon off guard, they had just ended their match when Aemond drew his sword to him" Jace said.

"Are you hurt, Lyanna?" She asked.

I shook my head as she grabbed my arm.

"Use your words" she said.

I opened my mouth to speak but no words managed to come out. She looked at Jace as I closed my eyes.

"I set Aemond's leg on fire" I said.

"You did what?" She said.

"He attacked Rickon and I just did it" I said. "I didn't think about it."

She stepped away from me before leaving her chambers. Jace put his hand back in mine, squeezing it as we waited. Rickon walked over, placing his hand on my arm. He wrapped his arms around me as I closed my eyes.

"I will not let any of them lay a single finger on you" he said. 

All of us turned around as Ser Rickard entered the room along with Ser Criston. Ser Criston began walking towards me as Rickon pulled my body behind his. 

"Do not lay a hand on her, Cole!" Ser Rickard said. 

I watched as Ser Criston glared at Rickon before backing away. I looked at Ser Rickard, walking towards him as Jace and Rickon followed behind. Ser Criston opened the doors to my grandfathers chambers as Rhaenyra and my mother walked towards me. 

I looked at Aemond's bandaged leg, feeling Alicent's glare. Behind her was Aegon as I quickly looked away. 

"She is a danger to all of us if she cannot control this curse she was given" Alicent said. 

"My daughter has it very under control" my mother said. 

"She burned my sons leg" she snapped. 

"I'm sorry" I whispered. 

"Sorry will not heal his wounds" she said. 

I looked at my grandfather who was pondering as to what to say. A part of me was scared as to what would happen but I knew nothing would. It was very clear the distain my grandfather had for the children he bore with Alicent. He'd call her by my grandmothers name on occasion and even said his only children were my mother and Alicent. 

"Say something! Your son has been harmed again! Must he be harmed once more for you to understand our son is being targeted!" Alicent yelled.

"He attacked my brother!" I said.

"They were training" Ser Criston said.

"They were not" Jace said. "I seen it. They had just ended, Rickon went to shake his hand for good gesture and Aemond sliced his arm."

"Are we going to listen to the words of him?" Alicent said.

"He is the heir to the Iron Throne and you stand here disregarding his words?" I said.

"Enough!" My grandfather yelled. 

He walked towards me as I looked up to him. 

"I didn't mean to" I whispered. "He attacked Rickon."

He put his hand to my cheek, kissing the top of my head. 

"It was an accident, this incident has been resolved" he said. 

He walked away as Alicent scoffed. 

"Our son was harmed and you're going to let her get away with it?" She said. 

"My son was harmed!" My mother said. "Time and time again have your wretched sons attacked the Velaryon boys and passed around false information of their lineage."

Alicent's eye twitched as she left the room. Aegon and Aemond followed her as I ignored Aegon's gaze. My grandfather sat on a chair, coughing as both Rhaenyra and my mother walked over to him. 

"Lyanna" he said. 

"Yes?" I said. 

"Go to your chambers" he said. 

I nodded walking out with Jace beside me as Rickon stayed behind. We walked to my chambers in silence with Ser Rickard in front of us. We stopped in front of my door as I grabbed Jace's hand. 

"Thank you" I said. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked. 

"I'll be fine" I said. 

I smiled, letting go of his hand before going into my room. I closed the door, taking a deep breath. I looked to my bed to see Aegon sitting at the edge. 

"Aegon, you shouldn't be here" I said. 

"Are you okay?" He asked. 

I looked at him confused. 

"Shouldn't you be asking your brother that instead?" I asked. 

"I'm asking you" he said. 

"I've never lost control like that" I said. "I saw the blood on Rickon and everything just turned red."

He got up from my bed, putting both his hands on my face, rubbing circles as I closed my eyes. 

"You really shouldn't be here" I whispered. 

I felt his lips brush my own, opening my eyes. I watched as his eyes darted all over my face before going to my eyes. 

"Tell me to leave and I will" he said. 

I put my hand to his neck, crashing my lips onto his. 

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