Ch 12: The Great War

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"Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed"

I rolled around in my bed as I heard the door open and close.

"I'm okay" I said.

"You don't have to lie to me" Aegon said.

I jolted up as he stood at the edge of my bed.

"You need to go" I said.

"Please, don't push me away" he said.

I wanted Aegon to stay but I knew Jace would be returning soon.

"I mean it" I said.

I watched as Jace walked in, staring at Aegon. Aegon turned around, not saying a word before leaving. Jace walked to the side of my bed, moving a piece of hair out of my face.

"Why was he here?" Jace asked.

"Umm.. he was making sure I was okay. He had heard about what happened from Alicent" I said.

He nodded, not thinking much of it.

"They found him but.." he said.

"What?" I said.

"I don't know if I should tell you" he said.

"Jacaerys Velaryon, tell me right now" I said.

"Your old handmaiden, Illyana.." he said. "I don't want to say it aloud."

My stomach dropped as Jace avoided eye contact with me. I had a feeling I knew what he was going to say, but I didn't want to believe it.

"She paid him" he said.

"What?" I said.

I couldn't believe what he was saying.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"She's being held in the dungeons until her execution" he said.

I forced a smile, not wanting to show Jace how angry I truly was. 

"I think some more rest will do me well" I said.

He kissed my cheek before leaving. I waited a few minutes before getting out of bed, forcing one of my handmaidens to help me put a dress on. I hadn't bothered to do anything with my hair as I left my chambers. Rickon was standing outside my door as I tried to walk past him.

"Don't" he said.

"You love her, I know. But I must do this" I said. "I don't expect you to come with me, I wouldn't wish for you to see."

"I will not leave you alone" he said.

"Very well" I said.

We embarked on our way to the dungeons. Once we got there I was shown a cell that looked to be empty. Illyana sat in the corner, nearly invisible at first glance. She blended in with the wall, not moving a muscle.

"You did this, why?" I asked.

She hadn't moved when I slammed my fists along the bars.

"Answer me!" I yelled.

"Lyanna" Rickon said.

The second she heard Rickon's voice her head popped up. She looked at Rickon, who couldn't look her in the eye.

"Open the cell!" I yelled.

The guard took out a key of rings, opening the cell. I stepped forward as she didn't move, her gaze still on Rickon. 

"You were my closest friend" I said.

"You don't deserve any of it" she said.

"And who are you to be the judge of that?" I asked.

"You act so proper and perfect, but sneak around with Aegon" she said. "You don't deserve to be Queen. You deserve all that is coming for you!"

I held my hand out as fire erupted from my palms. I faced the fire towards Illyana as she screamed out in pain from the fire. Rickon pulled me out of the cell, trying to get my attention. My eyes were glued to Illyana's burning body until her screams came to a halt. Guards came rushing in but Illyana was already dead when her body ceased to move.

"No need for the execution" I said. "I did it myself."

I walked out of the dungeons, ignoring Rickon. I went to the dragon pit, feeling the fire still coursing through my veins. I screamed, falling to my knees as fire erupted from my body, creating a circle of fire around me. I stood up, looking around until I saw someone walking towards me.

"You have fire in your blood" they said.

I tilted my head, trying to get a better look at their face. I noticed the green dress first, knowing it was Alicent.

"Blood of the dragon" she said.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

Her face was now visible as I walked through the fire, unharmed.

"You are a Stark by name but Targaryen blood scorches your veins" she said. "You have the Power of the Dragon. You are the Dragon Princess. You are not weak, and yet they see you as so."

"I am not.. weak" I snapped.

"I am not your enemy, Lyanna" she said. "Your mother, Rhaenyra, they all want to pit you against me."

"You're plotting to usurp Rhaenyra as heir to the Iron Throne" I said. "Is that not enough to make you my enemy?"

"Those words alone could be seen as treason" she said.

"And yet, there no one else here. Who do you think the King will believe? His wife to whom he barely pays attention to.. or his granddaughter who shares the same power his mother once had?" I asked.

She smiled as I walked closer to her.

"I will be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, just as you are right now.. but the only difference is that I will actually be respected" I said.

I walked away from her, going to leave the dragon pit. 

"You love my son" she said. 

"I have no idea what you are talking about" I said. "I love Jacaerys Velaryon."

"Don't coy with me" she said. "Your mother should have accepted our proposal to have the two of you betrothed."

I turned around, stunned at her words. 

"What did you just say?" I asked. 

"Has she never told you?" She asked. 

"You lie" I said. 

"And to what purpose would I have to do that?" She asked. "If you don't believe me you could ask the King himself."

"When?" I asked. 

"Right after your father died" she said. "She refused. If she hadn't, don't you think it would've solved so many problems?"

I felt my eyes start to water as I left the dragon pit. I found myself crying the entire way to my chambers, ignoring anyone who tried to talk to me. The moment I got to my chambers, I fell to the ground, thinking of the possibilities of what could have been. Hurting my own feelings at the thought. 

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