Value That

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George POV

Wilbur yelled out my name and I didn't know what to do. The last thing I wanted is him to shoot Dream in the head. He'd damage the brain and lower chances of finding something important the more often he is shot, even one time is enough to ruin everything. It's a powerful chemical. But also this is about Wilbur's life...

I don't want to make anything wrong, I don't want to break this little trust that I've built with Dream so far. That I thought I still had with him. It'd be a shame for it to go down the drain this early already.

I have to make a smart move because this all depends on me now.

"Don't shoot, wait!-" I ran up to Dream, grabbed him by the neck and pulled him back at the same time as Jack and Sapnap did. I had to be careful with his claws that he throws around the whole time.

I was so close to his head, that I literally heard him breathe and saw his eye from up close. It was so fascinating that it literally took my breath away when he stared at me. "Dream, calm down, I'm here, hey! Pshhh"

It's in my guts. I know that Dream is different. He's kind. But this beast is not him. Even if I have a hard time believing it, my guts say otherwise. And they've always been right so far.

"Dream, don't forget about what I told you yesterday" I leaned my head against his and closed my eyes as I gripped onto his fur.

Dream started to move less hectic and jumpy, as if he heard me. Which he most likely did. I would only speak again until I feel him relaxing his muscles, especially the ones by his neck.

After he did, I started to relax a little too because the muscles in my arms started to get slightly sore "Good job, I'm so proud of you." I whispered and started to scratch him by his cheekbone, still with caution though.

"Wow, you actually-" Sapnap spoke up, but Dream tensed up the same second already. He started growling, turning his head to face the man. God, he really despised him, I'm getting a clear message here.

"Dream! Quit it" which he did almost immediately. "You won't be any better than Sapnap if you do something again. Just, calm down and focus on yourself. I don't expect you to transition back immediately, I just want you to act more peaceful around us. For everyone's safety here because I know that you're capable of that."

I looked him in the eye and saw it relaxing, looking more tired now. "Sit down and try to get used to this. I can get how new this all is for you to experience, but it'll be fine." I tried to lead him to sit down, but he refused, standing rock hard in place.

He suddenly started shaking his head wildly and then his body, shaking off stress and tension. Seconds after he had done that, I tried again, but he was still refusing.

Dream looked at me, then the others and back at me, trying to tell me something with this. And I think I got the message. "Do you want to send them out?" he nodded slightly almost immediately to me.

"Alright. But promise me you won't slice me up for your next meal" I chuckled nervously. Really not the time to make jokes, but I still did it. "Wilbur, Sapnap and Jack, you can go out for now."

"George, are you nuts though? And you stay? Do you seriously trust him?" Sapnap frowned.

"Not completely, but my guts say I can."

"Yup, you're all nuts." he rolled his eyes and dropped the chains as if he didn't have a single care in the world anymore. "Come on. He chose to be murdered, let him have his fun"

I didn't say anything to that and just watched them all leave. "Wilbur, give the gun to him. He definitely needs it." Jack quickly said before leaving the cell.

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