Cold Breeze

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George POV


We three nod to his word.


Quackity gave a thumbs up to the guy behind the glass who was responsible for the opening of the gate. In order for the big door to open that leads to the outside, it requires some red little key and the dashboard with one push of a button.

I haven't stood by this gate or this entire hallway all this time that I've been living in this laboratory for. It was almost strictly forbidden for anyone other than the chosen hunters and no questions asked, the owners.

So even with Quackity's allowance, it still felt like I had broken a million rules just by standing on this floor.

As much as I was excited to see the outside for the first time after years again, I was getting an idea that was far more important than that.

That key...

I need it. I mostly have my eyes on the key to see where Quackity puts it once he pulls it out again.

But for now, I saw he was busy watching the gate push open, it moving slowly up. So, I decide it was safe enough to do so too.

My heart begins to beat at a faster pace, making me feel uneasy. I can't stand still on my feet any longer, I'm way too restless.

Then, I already see the first bits of grass. As the gate keeps opening, I already feel my head at ease from smelling the fresh air coming in.

I automatically smile, not being able to suppress my visible happiness.

And, there it is.

The nature full at its glory revealed to me despite its naked trees. The moonlight shines down upon us, blessing me with a feeling I have missed to experience. This unending love for nature grows back to me in an instant. I'm struck with what I'm seeing, unable to get my eyes off of... everything.

Without giving me a real, peaceful chance to experience this all over again, Wilbur, Sapnap and Quackity walk forward.

I realized that I lost the opportunity to see where Quackity put the key away.


Of course I messed that up. I was too caught up in staring into the wild nature right in front of us.

I started to catch up to them before the gate would close in on me.

Nobody was talking, just us following behind Wilbur as he was taking us somewhere.

But, I don't care where we're walking to. I look down to the ground, then the sky that's decorated with stars and a full moon. What a lucky day, being able to experience a full moon, too. This can't get any better, now, can it?

The cold breeze was going past me and through my hair, it feeling so refreshing. It was pretty cold, the month November isn't lying. I was given a warm, thick jacket, a hat and a pair of gloves to keep me warm. But I didn't put either of those on except for the jacket because I felt like I would miss out on the feel even though I was warned by Quackity that I can potentially get sick and that I would have to continue working no matter what. So, this is on me.

Suddenly we stop walking and I see we stood by a small white van.

I'm assuming all the equipment is at the back in the luggage space because I doubt we'll be hunting without anything.

Wilbur unlocks the vehicle and goes to the driver's seat. Everything was done silently without anyone speaking, even while entering the van. Quackity sat at the front next to Wilbur of course and there was left no other choice for me and Sapnap, but to sit in the back. I decide to sit behind Quackity so he won't see me as much. Sapnap sits beside me, behind Wilbur.

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