
600 28 55

(CW: Assault)
George POV

"...And here are the bathrooms! We all use these since we don't have our own in our rooms." I put my hands on my hips as we stand in front of the woman's and men's bathrooms.

"Great timing. I mean, I knew they were here already since I walked past them yesterday-"

"And you didn't even tell me??" I look up at Marco in offense.

"I just wanted to walk around some more with you, it's nice!" he excused himself immediately.

I scoffed "Whatever, you're excused."

"What I was saying..... I need to take a quick break, can you-"

Someone was about to walk past us and Marco became quiet, just awkwardly smiling at me.

"Hi George" she greeted me and went right past us.

"Hi Ava!" I waved to her quickly with a smile in return and looked back to Marco. "What did you want to say?" I ask him.

Marco looked to the woman for a moment and then to the opposite side, checking both directions before he continued to speak to me. "Do you also need to take a break?" he pointed to the door with his thumb.

I shook my head. "No"

Marco bites down on his lip a little "Okay.. can you still come in with me?"

"Why?" he acted odd out of nowhere, I wasn't too fond of it.

"Just... come." he refused to answer and went inside the men's bathroom.

I felt obligated to enter because I didn't want to seem rude if I refuse to follow. Marco was basically forcing me. I sigh and walk after the door closed.

Marco walked up to the sinks and looked into the mirror, fixing his hair despite there nothing needing to be fixed since the curly mess is natural.

I lean against the wall next to the door and cross my arms as I wait for him to finish his business. "Why do I have to be here?" I eye him.

"I like the company."

Weird answer?

Marco began to wash his face, rinse his mouth at the end and drying off with some paper towels. He checked himself out in the mirror one more time, touching his lower face, being in the search for facial hair. I kept looking at him through the mirror reflection until he looked at me in return.

That sudden indirect eye contact made my heart jump and I immediately look away.

"George" he began.

I wanted to be out of this situation. Now.

"Actually, I've been wondering. What's your opinion on relationships?"

I said now!

"Uhm, it's great to have friends, what else am I suppose to say?" my heartbeat gets stuck in my throat as I force out a chuckle.

"I'm not speaking about the platonic stuff" he turned around to face me as he stays leaned against the sink. "I meant romance. Romantic relationships." he sounded serious in a way?

I cleared my throat "Didn't you want to go to the toilet?" I was overly aware of everything, especially with how my voice echoes through the bathroom stalls, making me hear my own nervousness. And the thing I was the most aware of is Marco's intense stare. He was drilling holes through my eyes and my poor, poor soul.

"Changed my mind.... So? Opinion?" he didn't let go of it.

I feel extremely uncomfortable. This just isn't my topic. "Well... I... oh- wait, I just remembered that Quackity called me in for a meeting, I totally forgot. I'll have to get going-" I was about to leave, literally hand on knob already, but...

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