Unnecessary Bond

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Dream POV

"WHY did you hurt him!?" George yelled angrily as he stood in front of me, standing in a protective stance.

Behind my right ear was cut deeply, blood flowing a good amount and dripping onto the floor, coloring my brown fur and the light gray floor beneath my big, clawy hands. I was huffing loudly and pressing myself against the wall.

Sapnap stood with a pocket knife tightly in his hand in front of George several steps away. "Did you not fucking see?! He tried to bite me and I reacted so he wouldn't bite me like he bit you! I don't care what you think now, but I'm not willing to be fucking killed by this fucker!"

"Who even allowed you to bring in a knife?? Are you purposefully attempting to kill him?" George kept on arguing, and actually still shocked that Sapnap carries items around like those with him.

"Stop fucking defending him, you braindead idiot!" Sapnap raised his voice even more.

George fake laughed at the insult "Ha-Ha-Ha! Well, I believe that Dream did not try to bite you. All I saw was him just sniffing you, so I don't get why you're overreacting! Stop acting like a baby all the time and just- I don't know- Man up?! Try to-"

Sapnap had interrupted him. "Are you seriously this blind? What, is colorblindness now bli-"

And now I was the one that interrupted that annoying, stubborn brunet with my loud bark to shut him up, and exactly after that, George continued his own sentence "Try to see through your blindness and realize the truth because Dream is NOT attempting to kill out of fun! He only attacks when he's feeling threatened" George really tried to put sense into Sapnap.

Sapnap facepalmed and squinted his eyes as he was pinching the bridge of his nose. Both were so tense and so angry. I can smell the tension, something is about to happen. I bring up my growl again as a warning as I slowly walk in front of George to protect him instead. I'm not as vulnerable as a human, so I wouldn't mind getting into a fight as easy as this one.

I watch Sapnap walking back a bit more after he opened his eyes and had heard me growl. So, what I'm seeing is that this human is reacting like this simply out of fear and not anger. It's all impulsive. I'm sure hurting me was also an implsuive act, I get how that feels.

"Wow, now there's your big puppy protecting you! Put a leash on him or‐" I've had enough. I ran towards him and ignored George's attempt of stopping me by gripping onto my fur and yelling my name out. Sapnap was clearly panicking and ran away to the other end of the room which wasn't even that big.

I got up on my feet to attack better and was so close to biting him into his face, but he held his pocket knife with both hands in front of my aim. I stopped in time, but the knife was already in the room of my mouth. He can potentially ram it into my throat and injure me badly, or cut my mouth which also equals deep bleeding.

If I move, he might get the wrong message and hurt me.

I stared Sapnap in the eyes, my body frozen and my mouth still wide open. He isn't moving either. But he is starting to shiver a little.

George came in for the 'rescue' of the both of us, standing next to us "Dream- I- what the hell?? What were you thinking?? And- Sapnap, put the knife aw-"

"GET HIM AWAY FROM ME" Sapnap's yell startled me and I gripped his arm tightly to pull the god damn knife away and finish him off, but as I was about to bite, I felt something else between my teeth.

I saw that it was George's arm, the one that I had injured and luckily did not dig my teeth into again.

"Dream, stop it. Let go of Sapnap's arm and back off," he looked at me and then at the other guy "and you Sapnap, don't you dare hurt him." George spoke every word very clearly.

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