Chapter 2

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    I was right. When I got out of bed I dropped my phone and cracked the screen. 

    I sighed and decided to see if Shu was online so I logged on. She was! (again). 

    "I'm so worried! Today is my first day of high school!" Shu said. 

    "Aw, don't be worried. It's not like you're going to be the Omega. You are human right?" I asked. 

    "Are you going to be Omega?" she asked me. 

    "Probly. I was Omega at my last high school." I told her. 

    "Wait, you're a sophomore!?" Shu looked at me startled.

    "No, I'm a junior."

    "Wow, I never knew." Shu said. 

    "Did you ever know that I'm a senior?" FC came up behind Shu. 

    "Wait you are!? How are my best friends older than me and I never knew!?" Shu was going crazy now. 

    "And again I will be the one to leave first. I have to get ready for school. See ya!" 

    And with that, I logged off. 

    "Eli, I have your uniform!" Mom called from downstairs. 

    "Uniform?!" I shouted. 

    She handed me a short light blue skirt, and a white blouse. Why a skirt?! Ugggghhhh. Why not pants? Or jeans? Or no uniform?! 

    Well I guess I have to wear this. I put on the uniform and walked downstairs. 

    "Before you go, make sure to eat something. You don't want to go to school on an empty stomach." Mom told me. 

    I ignored her. Again. 

    "Really? Do you have to ignore me today too?" Mom whined. 

    "Hey, moms aren't supposed to whine. Only 18 and under can whine." I told her. 

    "Just grab a pop tart and get to school." Mom ordered me. 

    So I grabbed a pop tart, and my bag, and headed to school. Wait...where is the school? I took out my phone to look it up. 

    "Wow, it's really close! The school is only a block away. Cool!" I said to myself. 

    As I was walking I saw a boy with back hair, black eyes, and a frown on his face. He saw me looking at him and he glared at me. I glared back, and continued walking. When I reached the school I gasped in my head. 

    "Wow, it looks bigger when you're standing in front of it." I said. I walked up to the doors. They were locked. I guess they don't open the doors until it's time to start school. I look around me. There is a fountain close to the doors. I walk over to the fountain and sit on the edge. Then the doors opened. 


    I walked straight through and went to get my schedule. I reached my homeroom, I looked around. 

    Every seat was taken, except for one next to a blue eared, gray eyed werewolf. I sat down next to him. 

    "Hello class! This is your homeroom! I am Miss Lauren Michel. You can call me Miss Lauren though!" I heard a high, peppy voice.

    I glanced up to see our teacher, Miss Lauren. 

    "Today I would like each of you to come up here and say your name and one thing you like." Miss Lauren said. 

    First a girl with light blue hair and     blue eyes came up. 

    "Hi, my name is Katelyn and I like athletics." 

    Next was a boy with blue hair and blue eyes. 

    "Hello, my name is Dante, and I like beautiful ladies." 

    He scans the classroom and looks into every girl's eye. 

    When he reaches me, he says, "And from my observation you are the most beautiful."

    I glare at him. 

    "Alright Dante, that's enough flirting." Miss Lauren says. 

    I was next. I walk up to the front. 

    "The names Eli, and I like punching flirty boys." I say. I walk quickly back to my chair. 

    Next was the boy next to me. As he walked up to the front, I noticed he had two piercings in his left ear. 

    "My name is Ein and I like fighting," he says. 

    Nice! Ein seems really cool. Fighting is awesome. He walks back to his chair. A few more people come up, but I don't really pay attention. 

    Well I kind of paid attention just long enough to hear one guy (I think his name was Garroth?) say, "And I agree with Dante. You are the prettiest." 

    When I hear that, I look up to see the poor girl he's talking about. Then I realize he's looking at me. I glare at him harder than I did for Dante. 

    "Well, I didn't realize I had two very flirty, and might I add handsome boys in my class." Miss Lauren said. 

    "Okay, I believe everyone has had a turn. If you have not had a turn, raise your hand." she says. 

    No one raised their hand. 

    "Alrighty then. Let's head down to the assembly!" she announces. I stand up. I can see Dante, Garroth, and some other boy coming in my direction. Shoot. I try to walk towards the door, but Dante grabs my hand. Dang it

    "I forgot that schools had beautiful ladies in them until I saw you," he said. 

    I whirl around and punch him in the stomach. 

    "If you don't want me to introduce your face to my fist, then I recommend not touching me or trying to flirt with me." 

    I yank my hand out of his grip, and walk towards the auditorium.

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