The End (Basically just an A/N)

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So this is the end. Sorry if you were hoping for an awesome ending. Now, since its ended on a cliffhanger, I will give you sort of an ending.

I have lost all motivation to finish the rewrite and start on the second book, so what Eli was pricked with was deadly poison and now that she is dead, the story is over. Since it was her POV the whole book, now that she's dead, the book is over.

If I ever get ideas, or want to continue with the rewrite and second book, the ending is different. Instead of it being poison, it will be sleeping stuff(IDK what its called).

That was the main idea. Her being kidnapped, the second book skipping multiple years, and her coming home from where she was taken. That was my plan. Well, it was until I started writing the rewrite, and having so many ideas for the second book that needed to be included in the rewrite. A few chapters after I first started writing the rewrite I got writers block and just didn't have any ideas at all.

So I hope you enjoyed this book, I apologize for leaving it on kind of a cliffhanger. I might write more in the future, but no guarantees. Thanks I guess for taking time out of your day to read this.

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