Chapter 20

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    The next day, I put on my everyday clothes.

    Just after I finished my breakfast, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Ein standing there.

    "C-Can I walk you to school?" he     stuttered.

    "Yeah, I would love that! I just gotta grab some stuff. Come on in!"

    I ran upstairs and put my band-aids in my pocket. I ran back downstairs to see my mom yelling at Ein.

    "Aren't you the boy who wanted to date my daughter?!" she yelled.

    I ran over and grabbed Ein's hand.

    "He is, and I love him. You can't stop me." I told her.

    We walked to school talking about not having to wear the uniform.

    "It's awesome not to have to wear that stupid skirt!" I told Ein happily.

    He mumbled something inaudible.

    "I can't hear you when you mumble." I said.
    He said nothing.

    We continued walking.

    "I think you look better without the uniform. Hoodies are way better than the uniform." I told him, gesturing to his sleeveless blue and white hoodie.

    "This hoodie is more comfortable than the uniform too." he replied.

    When we got to school, we sat down in homeroom.
    "You know it feels so weird to see everyone in different clothes." I told Ein.

    "Yeah, it does."

    We sat in silence until homeroom was over.

    "Bye Ein."

    I got up and walked to art class.

    Surprisingly, Gene was sitting in class.

    "Wow, Gene! Didn't expect you to be here!"

    Gene smirked.

    "Well here I am. What did I miss?"

    I filled him in on everything that needed to be done in class. Then the teacher came in, and gave Gene some more detention.

    "This is why I don't come to class..." Gene muttered.

    "If you came to class more often, you wouldn't be receiving detention. Also, art is cool. Why would you want to skip it?"

    He shrugged.

    "I don't like any classes. And just want to let you know, I liked you better in the uniform. It showed off more. Now I don't get to see any parts of your skin other than your hands and face." Gene informed me.

    I blushed.

    The teacher told us that we all needed to draw the thing we loved most. Again. I raised my hand.

    "Yes, Eli?"

    "Mam, didn't we do this before?"

    The teacher nodded.

    "Yes, but your love might have changed."

    She started the clock, and we started drawing.

    Every time I glanced over at Gene's drawing, he covered it up.

    I drew the school. This place is the best school I've ever been to. I love it. When the teacher told us to stop drawing and turn our drawings in, I walked up right behind Gene.

    I looked at Gene's drawing after he moved and my eyes widened. It was a girl. She had werewolf ears and a tail. One of her ears was pierced. She was in a hoodie and jeans.

    It looked

    When Gene saw me looking he rushed back and pulled me away, blushing.

    "Who is that?" I asked him.

    "No one..."

    We walked in silence.

    "It was a female werewolf girl. You like a girl. Who? I can help you, get her heart, you know." I told him.

    "No you can't."

    Gene didn't look at me. I didn't say anything. The rest of the day was slow. Gene was avoiding me.


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