Chapter 14

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    When the door was busted down, we both jumped a little, too shocked to move. Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn, and Aphmau stared down at us. We both turned bright red.

    Kawaii~Chan squealed.

    "My ship!" she screamed.

    I don't think Ein realized he was still holding me. I didn't either. That's why KawaiI~Chan continued to scream. And that's also why me and Ein's ears hurt for the next ten minutes.

    When I realized he was holding me, I moved slightly. He instantly let go. We both walked out of that closet, bright red with our hands covering our ears.

    The others didn't seem bothered. That's probably because they aren't werewolves. Sometimes, it's a little hard to be a werewolf.

    As we walked out, Gene gave Ein a death stare, just like the one Ein gave Gene.


    "Okay, now that everyone had a turn in the closet, we should do something as a group!" Aphmau said.

    "What about Truth or Dare?" Katelyn suggested. I perked up. Now that is a good game. We all agreed.

    "My turn first!" Dante yelled.

    "Aphmau...truth or dare?"

    Aphmau gulped.


    Dante smiled.

    "Is it true...that you have kissed Garroth?"

Aphmau and Garroth turned red. Aphmau looked down and nodded. Almost everyone gasped. I laughed. Next, was Katelyn.

    "Kawaii~Chan, truth or dare?"


    "Is it true...that you will try to hurt anyone getting in the way of your ship?" Katelyn asked her.

    "Well, Kawaii~Chan will hurt someone getting in the way of a good ship. If it is not a good ship, then Kawaii~Chan doesn't care." Kawaii~Chan told her.

    Next was Lucinda.

    "Laurence, truth or dare?"

    "Um, truth."

    "Ugh, you're all so boring! Okay, is it true that you have a crush on Aphmau?"

    Laurence looked shocked, but nodded slowly.

    "Kawaii~Chan's turn! Eli~Chan, truth or dare?" Kawaii~Chan asked me.

    "I'm going to be brave, unlike the rest of you. Dare."

    Kawaii~Chan smiled.

    "Kawaii~Chan dares you to kiss Ein~Kun."

    I turned red. Ein did too. I walked over to Ein.

    "Before I do the dare, have you had your first kiss yet?" I asked Ein. He nodded.

    "Good. Then I won't feel guilty."

    Then I remembered something. I haven't had my first kiss yet. Katelyn noticed me hesitating.

    "What's wrong Eli? Too chicken?" She taunted me.

    "I'm not chicken!" I yelled at her.

    Then I stared straight into Ein's beautiful silver eyes, and kissed him. I felt him kiss me back. His lips were soft and nice. He closed his eyes and I closed mine. I felt his hands fall to my waist. I snaked my hands over his shoulders. We held the kiss for about twenty seconds. It was amazing.

    When I pulled away, I whispered into his ear. "Thank you for being the perfect first kiss."

    I walked back over to my seat. He suddenly turned pale.

    "That was your...?"

    I nodded, smiling a bit.

    "That was her what, Ein?" Gene asked him menacingly.

    Ein didn't say anything, but Katelyn caught on.

    "That was her first kiss...right?"

    I nodded again.

    Gene looked like he could kill Ein. Kawaii~Chan paled as well.

    "Oh no! Kawaii~Chan is so so sorry Eli~Chan! Kawaii~Chan didn't know Eli~Chan hadn't had her first kiss! She would not have asked her to do that dare if she had known!" Kawaii~Chan looked kind of upset.

    "It's okay. Ein's a good kisser, so that makes up for it." I said.

    Ein lost the pale and turned red as everyone laughed.

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