Chapter 1

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Now of the age of seventeen, Y/n had gone through the years without ever using her cursed abilities. Well, not when she was under the watchful eyes of her father and the village elder that is. Every now and then Y/n would secretly practice with her curse. She figured, maybe if she could learn to control it, she could use it for good. Then maybe, the village elder would see her as a person, and not just a walking caution sign.

So here she was, in her room alone. She held a single leaf between her finger and thumb, eyeing carefully. She took a few deep breaths, paused...then focused. The leaf had began to shift in her fingers, the stem grew longer, wrapping around her wrist. This, was when she needed to be most careful. If she were to mess up, the stem could grow thorns and pierce her flesh. It would happen every so often, where she would loose focus, and whatever she was trying to grow would turn into something horrific.

"It's...getting easier." Y/n smiled. "Y/n, I'm home." Haku's, her father, voice made her jump. She quickly undid the vine around her wrist and hid the leaf in her dress before leaving her room to greet her father. "Welcome home, papa." She gives him a warm smile. "How was hunting?" She asks. Her father sighs and cracks his neck slightly. "Not good at all. We nearly had that boar in our grasps, but it put up quite the fight."

"Would you like me to run a bath for you papa? It will ease your ache." Y/n asks. "That would nice, thank you." Haku placed his spear near the door. Y/n left the house, heading towards the back where the bath was. It was surrounded by a few walls to block the view of any passerby villagers. Y/n finished setting up the bath and made her way back inside. "The bath is ready papa." She told her father. "Thank you, Y/n ." Her father gave him a soft smile. "Now then, I'll-" Haku was interrupted by a sudden scream.

He and Y/n ran out of there home, to see a huge wild boar attacking the village. "It's the boar we were hunting!" Haku exclaims. Upon further examination, it was clear the creature had multiple stab wounds on its back and sides. It must have been so angered from the previous attack, that it sought revenge. Haku hurried back inside and grabbed his spear. "Stay back Y/n!" He tells her before hurrying to the fellow hunters aid. The boar would not go down easily, it bucked and broke all the spears that dared to pierce its skin again. The boar then charged passed the hunters, in its path, was a child who was separated from their mother in the panic. At the pace the boar was going, the hunters would not make it in time to save the child.

Y/n gasped, her eyes darted from the child, to the boar to the hunters who were trying to catch up to the beast. She felt the leaf inside of her pocket shift, her hand found its way to the leaf and took it out. She looked down at it, and time seemed to slow to a near stop. 'I could...I could do something about this. Couldn't I?' She looked up, the boar was only getting closer by the second. And without another though Y/n felt her legs move on their own. Before she knew it she was shielding the child with her body.

"Y/n! No!" She could hear her father cry out. Y/n held the child close before grabbing the leaf. She took a deep breath and just like that...

The leaf shot out into multiple sharp blades and stabbed and sliced at the boar. With one last furious growl, the boar fell to the ground with a loud thud. Y/n slowly looked up, and to her horror, she was met with the dead boar. Blood seeped from it's still opened mouth and nose. Vines were still contracted around the boar. Y/n swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat before looking down at the still trembling child. They weren't hurt, they were safe, because of her.

No...wait. Y/n got a closer look at the child. She gasped as she saw the blood that trickled down their arm. It must have happened when she used those vines. She ended up hurting the child she was trying to save.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't-" Before Y/n could finish her question, the child's mother snatched them away from her. The look on her face was that of pure fear, she backed away quickly, child held close to her. People gathered around, whispering amongst themselves at the gruesome sight. Then, the village elder showed up, he made his way through the crowd. His eyebrows raised as he gazed upon the sight before him. He looked to Y/n, and his raised brows furrowed. "Haku!" He called. Y/n's father stood in front of Y/n protectively.

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