Chapter 5

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The straw hats had gathered everything they needed and were about to set sail again. "It's a shame we didn't get to say bye to Y/n. She seemed nice." Said Chopper. "Eh, I think she wanted us off this island the moment we got here." Usopp tells him. "She was pretty insistent that we not bother her village. A bit pushy about it if you ask me." Zoro added. "She probably had good reasons." Nami spoke up. "I'm gonna miss her beautiful face!" Sani whined.

Luffy was leaning against the rail of the ship, looking out at the island. He was still a little curious about what that village was like. But he kept his word, he wouldn't disturb the village. As he was looking, he noticed someone running towards the ship. "Hm?" Luffy squints his eyes, he then realized it was Y/n. "Hey!" He smiled. "It's Y/n!" He waved at her.

Y/n stopped just before she ship and shouted. "Luffy! Get down here!"

"Her again?" Zoro crosses his arms. "Wonder what she wants now." Luffy snickers before hopping over the rail. He landed on the sand, standing up straight he grins at Y/n. "Heya Y/n." Y/n rushed towards him and grabs his vest, shaking him slightly. "How could you!?" She yelled. "What are you talking about!?" Luffy asked, very confused. "I trusted you! I trusted you and you lied to me! How could you send the rest of your crew to attack my village!?"

Luffy grabbed her hands and pushed them back. "My crew is all right here!" He pointed back to the ship. Y/n jerks her hands away from his, she sniffled tears still running down her face. "It serves me right for trusting village...the people I care about, they...they're all going to die..." She fell to her knees as the realization struck her. The people in the village, whether they fought back or not, they were going to be hurt or killed. And there was nothing she could do about it.

She had her powers, but she wasn't nearly skilled enough to fight off anyone. She felt truly pathetic, useless...

"Y/n." Luffy started. "Get out of here!" She yelled. "Just go! You've done enough, just leave!" She cried. Luffy didn't budge. "My crew is all here. Whoever is attacking your village, they're not with us." There wasn't a trace of insincerity in Luffy's tone. Y/n looked up at him, her eyes still watery. Luffy wasn't smiling, wasn't laughing, he was being serious.

Was he really telling the truth?

"So what?" Y/n sniffled. "So what if they're not with you? That doesn't change the fact that my village, my home, and people, it's going to disappear! There's nothing I can do to stop it. My powers aren't enough...I'm not enough." Y/n's head hung low in defeat.

"I'm not going near your village. That was my promise." Luffy began. "Tell me right now, and I'll break that promise." Y/n's mouth went agape slightly, was...was he offering to help her? She looked up at him once again. Was this really what was happening? Was she really about to ask help from a pirate, the same kind of people who is attacking her village right this moment?

"Luffy..." Y/n her hands scrunches at her dress skirt, they trembled. "Please, please help me save them. I'll do anything you ask!" Luffy removed his hat and placed it on top of Y/n's head. "Anything? Then, keep this safe." He taps on the brim of his hat. "And I'll keep your village safe." Was that all? Y/n held onto the brim of his hat with her fingers, she brought it down over her eyes slightly. "Ok...I promise."

Luffy walked past her and took a deep breath before sighing out, a smile making its way onto his face. "I promise too. Everyone, let's go."

Y/n looked up to see the rest of the crew following after Luffy. She watched as the crew followed his captain into danger. With no hesitation. All to help her, even after she blamed them, even after she was harsh to their captain, they still help her. Why? Pirates were all the same, yet this group of oddballs, they were far different. Something in Y/n chest snapped, but she didn't know just what it was. But somehow, she felt her shoulder become lighter.

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