Chapter 12

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The plan was going through perfectly so far, the crew had taken down plenty of Woodward's men without Luffy having to use too much of his energy or strain himself. But the battle was far from over, another wave of men were coming. Only this time, there were far less of them. They must have been getting close. "Alright this is it! Clear a path for Luffy!" Zoro yelled. The rest of the crew did as such, downing any enemy that got in the way. Luffy saw the opertunity to go ahead, and took it without a second's hesitation.

"Don't any of you fall behind!" Luffy yelled as he kept running. "We all leave together, or none of us do!"

"Right!" The crew yelled back.

Just like before, the trees cleared a path for Luffy, anytime he ran into a dead end, a new path would open. He didn't get a malicious feeling from the plant life, instead, he felt there were good intensions behind the odd actions. And what after felt like a century of nothing but running, Luffy finally made it to the temple. A few of Woodward's men had tried to stop him, but he was quick to knock them all down.

Luffy looked up as he ran up the stairs of the temple, up top he saw no other than Y/n and Woodward. "Y/n!" He yelled before jumping up into the air and stretching his arm, fist aimed at Woodward. However, before his hit could land...

Y/n had stopped blocked it. She grew a vines to wrap around Luffy's arm. He didn't even have time to think before the rest of his body flew after his arm. And just like before, Y/n wrapped vines all around his body, suspending him in mid air.

"Y/n! What are you doing!?"

Y/n said nothing, she just tightened the vines around Luffy, making him groan in pain. "He's the bad guy! He took you away! Why are you defending him!?" Luffy questioned. "I believe this is her way of telling you to get lost Strawhat." Woodward spoke up. "Shut up! I'll kick your ass for taking Y/n!" And from the looks of it, she was beat up pretty bad. Luffy's anger only grew more intense the longer he looked at her battered and bruised body.

"If you don't believe me, you can tell you herself. Right?" Woodward glanced down at Y/n. "Luffy. If you're ever going to listen to me, make it be now." She began. "You and the others need to leave this island. Forget about me, please." Luffy growled, trying to break free from the vines. "What kind of crap are you saying!? I'm not leaving without you!"

"I'm not asking, I'm telling you!" Y/n yelled back. "Just get out of here, all of you!" She silently begged for him to listen, to just do as she said and leave this island before whatever was about to happen does happen. Woodward was about to get his hands on something dangerous, that much she knew. "That's enough talking." Said Woodward. "Girly. Get over here and move these vines." Y/n turned her back to Luffy, ignoring his yells to snap out of it. She didn't need to snap out of it, she knew what she was doing.

She was doing something she would regret for the rest of her life, all of the sake of Luffy and her friends. But if she really took the time to think about it, she would do this all over again. 'I'm sorry Luffy.'

"Y/n! What about your dream!? How are you going to be there for every adventure, if you're stuck on this island!?" Again, she ignored him.

"How do you think everyone else will feel, knowing that you won't be there!?" She still ignored him, placing her hands on the vines. Not wincing when they writhed under her this time.

"How will I ever become pirate king without you!?"

Y/n paused. "You don't need me to do that." She muttered. "Yes I do!" Luffy argued. "I want you there by my side when that happens, I need you there by my side! I can't do it without you Y/n!" Y/n continued to move the vines, pulling and pushing back against the force. Her anger, her frustration, her regret, her sadness, all aiding her to do as such.

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