Chapter 7

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"Damn it." Luffy muttered as he stood. "You're pretty strong after all." He smirked. He slamed hs fist into his palm, cracking his knuckles. "Guess I'll just have to try even harder to take you down!" Y/n stood as well, she turned to Luffy with a worried look on her face. "Luffy, you're hurt bad. You can't still fight, can you?" She asks. "I can fight." Luffy tells her. "I made a promise."

"Yeah but-"

"Y/n." Luffy cut her off. He looked at her, a reassuring smile on his face. His smiled seemed to have calmed her nerves, why? There was no assurance that things would turn out alright. So why did she feel calmed? "Trust me." Could she? She felt deep down that she could, Luffy's done nothing but help her thus far. There was no reason not to trust him, right? Y/n nodded. "Ok, I trust you."

"Cut the shit." Crowley interrupted. "You two are walking dead, time to put you in the ground." Crowley rushed the two, Luffy grabbed Y/n by the waist and dodged out of the way. He then set Y/n aside before starting his attack.

"Gomu Gomu no...Pistol!"

Crowley was sent back a ways, but quickly recovered. Luffy then delivered punch after punch at him. Y/n could tell he was getting sloppier with every attack, his energy was running low, and fast. She had to help him. Crowley grabbed onto each of Luffy's fist before throwing him down to the ground. He toward over Luffy, raising a leg before stomping down hard on Luffy's gut. He coughed and groaned in pain as Crowley did it again, and again, and again.

If this kept up, Crowley was going to kill him. Y/n stepped closer, trying to sneak attack Crowley. As soon as she was close enough she focused, she took a deep breath and raised her hands. Soon the ground under Crowley shook, then suddenly roots sprouted from the ground and wrapped themselves around Crowley. Y/n was shocked, along with Crowley. But there was no time to dwell on it, she tightened the roots, making sure Crowley's arms were tight against his torso. As soon as she knew he wasn't going anywhere, she was quick to Luffy's side.

"Luffy!" Y/n lightly tapped on his cheek, trying to keep him awake. Luffy coughed a few times before sitting up. "I'm fine." He told her. "You better be! I can't thank you properly if you end up dead." Luffy grinned. "You thank me when this is all over. I'll be fine, you better star worrying about this chump." Luffy stood and turned to face Crowley. "Why are you doing this?" He asked after wiping the blood from his mouth.

"Why? Why do you think? What else do pirates do when they come across an island?" Crowley continued. "Take whatever treasure we can get our hands on! But seeing how this island has none, we're going to burn it down just for wasting our time."

"I've heard enough." Y/n said lowly. "You kind of pirates disgust me, you have no shame, no morals. It's all just so despicable!"

"And yet, you're helping a pirate? Trusting him. What does that say about you, missy?" Crowley asked with a smirk. "Luffy is nothing like you! Not from what I've seen. Luffy has done nothing but earned my trust. And I won't let you hurt him, or my island any further!" Luffy cracked his knuckles with a grin. "That's what I like to hear." He said before charging his next attack.

"Gumo Gumo No..." Luffy reeled back of both of his fists, and with a deep breath he launched hs fists towards Crowley. This time, putting all his energy into this attack.


The blast from the attack was enough to send Crowley flying, roots and all. His yells grew quieter as he flew off into the trees, knocking each one down as he flew through them. After so many hits, Crowley was knocked out cold. Suddenly, more pirates from Crowley's crew showed up.

"There you are you little punk!"

"Wait hang on...over there, isn't that-"

"Captain Crowley!"

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