Chapter 2

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It had been almost a week since then, Y/n had managed to survive on her own for the most part. But anytime her abilities activated without her fully knowing, she wanted to just throw herself into the ocean. She learned very quickly the day she ate the devil fruit, that she would no longer be able to swim when she was younger. If she had never ate that fruit, she would have never had to leave her island, her father. She never knew she could hate something so much. "Stupid devil fruits..." She muttered as she brought her legs close to her chest, hiding her face into her knees.

They were horrible in her eyes, not to mention wanted by a certain group of dangerous people. Pirates. Oh how she loathed pirates. Many years ago, pirates invaded her village. They hurt and killed many, they also nearly destroyed the whole village in search of what pirates loved most. Treasure, gold, and any other valuables. Among the people they killed, was Y/n's own mother. She was grateful that she didn't see it happen, but she knew, upon finding her mother's corpse, that the pirates had done it. She could still hear the sickening laugh of the pirate that did it too. It haunted her, during dreams and her waking.

Y/n stood once again and began walking, she found herself at a familiar ocean shore.

The same shore she was at when she found the cursed devil fruit all those years ago. The peaceful waves that gently brushed the sand put her nerves at ease, she loved it so much that she considered making a little home on the beach. She smiled at the thought, it wouldn't be the same as her old home, but it was a start. Her hope was short lived however, by a truly horrible sight...across the waves, coming closer to the island...was a pirate ship.

• • •

"Namiiii! Are we there yet?" Whined the captain to his navigator. "I told you, if you keep asking we won't get there at all!" Yelled the orange hair woman. The captain sighed and slumped against the railing of the ship. "Hey! I see an island!" Yelled another member of the crew. The captain immediately sprung back up and moved his head left to right frantically, trying to spot the island.

The navigator took another look at her map and nod in confirmation. "Yep. We're approaching an island, it isn't the one we were going for but, I suppose we do need to stock up on food." She glared at the captain at the mentioning of the lack of food they had. The it captain was known for having a bottomless pit for a stomach, and was always looking for a good meal, or just a juicy piece of meat. "Let's go there!!" The captain demanded. The crew all obeyed his orders and steered towards the island.

Soon enough the crew landed on the island. "It doesn't look like there's a town here." Said the crew's sniper. "Eh, I can still make a meal out of whatever this island has to offer." Said the blonde cook. "I wanna explore!" The cheerful captain looks around. "I'll go too." The swordsman yawned. "Just for us to go looking for you when you get lost? Yeah right." The navigator scowls, crossing her arms. "What did you say woman?" The swordsman growls at her.

"Don't talk to Nami-Swan like that, Moss Head!" The cook tried kicking the green hair man, but he dodged it. "Oh shut it perverted cook!" The swordsman unsheathes his sword, ready to strike. But the navigator intervened before they could start fighting, with a harsh punch in the head for both of them, effectively knocking the two down. "Those idiots, hey Luffy, what should we-aaand he's gone..." The sniper sulks. "What!?" Their navigator shouts.

"He better not get hurt while he's out there." Sighed a little reindeer.

• • •

Y/n hid herself within the trees, as the pirate made his way through the forest. What did he want? To harm the village? To rob the island of its natural resources? Maybe to search for more of those devil fruits? "Well, he won't find them here..." She thought. Once she ate the devil fruit that washed up on shore, the villagers searched the island from top to bottom, if any were found, they were to be destroyed immediately. However, none else were found. She turned her attention back to the pirate, where was his crew? She decided to follow after him, if he tried anything funny well...she wouldn't be so against using her cursed powers...

She followed after him for a bit longer, tracking his every move. She readied herself to strike, she figured it would be better to get rid of him now, than never. Just as she went to attack, the pirate's arm stretched to an inhumanly length. "What!?" Y/n gasps, she couldn't get away in time before he grabbed her by her dress collar and dragged her to him. She screamed the entire way. The pirate held her only a few inches away from his face. "You know..." He started, his voice slow as threatening. Y/n gasped, hands trembling. "You really suck at sneaking up on people!" His voice changed to a more light tone. "H-huh?" She whimpered. Just who the hell was this guy?

"W-Who are you?" Y/n asks. "What are you?"

"My name's Monkey D. Luffy!" He pulled at his cheek. "And I'm a rubber man!" Y/n blinks a few times. "Devil fruit?" She asks. Luffy nods his head. "That's right, I ate the gum gum fruit! It turned my whole body rubber, but now I can't swim. Ain't that the worst?" he laughed. Y/n nodded. "Yes, I understand that. I ate a devil fruit too."

"You did? What kind?" Luffy asks. Y/n shrugs. "I don't know the name of it. I just ate it when I was a kid. Devil fruits are seen as a curse in, family." She didn't want to mention her village, if this pirate was really like all the rest, he'd jump at the opportunity to raid her village. "Ah, I see. Hey, you know where I can get some grub? I'm starvin'!"

"Um...I know a place where some fresh fruits grow." Y/n tells him. "Um but aside from that, where is your crew?" She asks. "I saw your ship docking, you can't be the only one, can you?" Luffy shakes his head. "Nope, I got friends with me! They must be hungry too, come on!" Luffy grabs her wrist and pulls her along as he runs. "Whoa! Wait a minute! Where are you taking me!?"

"Back to my friends! Then you can show us where the food is!" Luffy explained, Y/n gulped. She didn't want anything to do with pirates. But this guy was a good mood, she didn't want to risk getting him mad. He could seriously hurt her with those powers of his. She barely knew how to use her own, there was no way she would be able to defend herself.

So she went along with him. And she could only hope that she would be alive by the end of the day...

• • •

Luffy and Y/n made it back to the ship, where Luffy's crew was waiting for him. "There you are! Don't run off without saying anything!" Nami yelled, walking up to him. She noticed Y/n behind him. "Luffy, who's this?" She asks, her voice much softer than before. Luffy moved aside. "This is...uh...what's your name?" He asks. "Um, it's Y/n." She answered timidly. "Ok, how did you find this girl?" Asked the navigator. "I just found her, she was trying to attack me!" Luffy grinned.

"Oh?" Zoro raised an eyebrow. "Then she's an enemy?" He rests his hand on the handle of his sword. Y/n flinched. "Don't threaten the lady!" Sanji kicked him in the side. "Why you!" Zoro growled. Before they could fight, Nami bonked them both in the head. "Shut it! Both of you!" Y/n took a step back. These guys were...odd.

"I-I'm not an enemy, I promise." Y/n raised her hands. "I just...want to know why you guys are here. If I can ask..." She trailed off, rubbing her arm. "Hm? Oh we're just here for supplies, like food." Said Usopp. "Because our captain here decided to eat everything in the fridge last night." He points to Luffy. Y/n looks at him with shock. He was a captain? But he's so...not captain like. He's not scary in the slightest! He's more like a goofball!

Well, Y/n decided not to question it. She was more interested in what the crew wanted. Just food. No way. There had to be more to it. "If it's food you want, I can give you that. But, there is no gold here. No treasure of any kind. I swear on my life." Y/n put a hand to her heart. "Like I said, we're just here for food." Usopp clarified. "We're not interested in gold right now, well, maybe not all of us." He glanced at Nami.

"Hey!" She snapped.

Y/n sighed in relief. "Ok. Then follow me." Y/n began to walk. Luffy and his crew followed after her.

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