Chapter 9

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Y/n, Luffy, Woodward, and the rest of Woodward's crew had made it up the stairs to the old rundown temple. The wind made Y/n shiver and held her arms close to her body, aside from the cold, the feeling she got from this temple was unnatural. Every step taken to get up this far, filled her with unease. But she set it all aside, Luffy didn't seemed to worried, so she figured it was just her paranoia talking. Woodward looked up at the mess of thick tangled vines with a frustrated scowl.

"This is it. These damned vines are what's keeping me and my crew away from possibly something amazing. Treasure or something greater lies beyond that door." He stepped aside. "You think you can do it?" He asks Y/n expectantly. She swallows a lump in my throat before approaching the vines. "I'll try." Y/n put her hand on the vines, and felt a chill go down her spine. she quickly drew her hand back with a gasp. "Y/n?" Luffy calls her name, concern lacing his tone. "Are you ok?" He asks, stepping towards her.

Y/n turns to him, a look of worry in her eyes. "T-This isn't right...these plants, they're not like any plants I've ever controlled before!" She tells him, her voice slightly shaky. "They're alive, just like a normal plant would be but..." She looks down at her trembling hand. "I just can't explain it, but I do know that this is wrong. This whole island is wrong!"

Luffy puts his hand on her shoulder, she eases at his gentle touch. "Hey, Y/n. It's ok." He says calmly. "Maybe there's another way through." Y/n shakes her head. "No, you don't understand. We can't-"

"Can't?" Woodward speaks up. "You mean you can't control these plants?" He asks. Y/n avoids his stare and nod. "N-no...I'm sorry." Woodward looked disappointed but he smiled anyway. "Well, no use in forcing something that just won't happen right?" He walked past Y/n and Luffy. "But, as I said before, my crew and I are stranded. Our ship is a wreck, and we don't got enough supplies to repair it. So, if it's not too much to ask, could you lend us a hand?"

Luffy shrugs. "Sure, why not?" Y/n almost wanted to tell him off but, it really wasn't her place. Then again, they were leading them back to the ship while the rest of our crew was gone. This probably wasn't the best idea. "Great! Lead the way Straw Hat."

• • •

Y/n and Luffy made it back to Woodward's ship. It was a large ship, it's wood was the color of red, with giant sails. It was a proper ship, Y/n would give them that. "Yes it seems nothing can get us through. Not even my devil fruit abilities."

"Your devil fruit abilities? What is it you can do?" Luffy asked. "Hm, just watch." Woodward smirked. He walked to his ship and placed a hand on it. Suddenly the wood of the ship broke off as Woodward pulled his hand back. The wood stuck to his hand like glue, he then morphed the wood to look sharper.

"But your ship!" Y/n said. "No worries." Woodward flicked his wrist, and just like that, the wood was back in it's place, as if it never was removed. "Sure does beat the hell out of costly repairs!" He laughed.

"That's awesome!" Luffy grinned. "You think so?" Woodward chuckled. "It's a shame really."

"What is?" Asked Y/n. "Oh it's nothing really. You two have been so kind, you're likable too. Especially you Straw Hat." Woodward grinned. "So it breaks my heart to have to do this." Woodward stripped the wood from some near by trees, they floated above him and the crew, flying towards Luffy, before he could do anything, the wood wrapped tightly around Luffy, caging his arms and legs close together.

"What are you-" Y/n was cut off by a harsh hit to the back of her head. She fell to her knees, the world around her going blurry. "Y/n!" Luffy tried with all his might to break loose from the wood, but Woodward held it tight. Y/n fell the rest of the way to the ground, she was out cold. "Take her to the ship. I'll deal with this one." Woodward looked down at Luffy, who was still struggling.

Woodward walked over to Luffy as his men were taking Y/n away. "Give her back!" Luffy yells. "You really think I believed her when she said she couldn't control those damned vines? Bullshit. I need that woman, she will be the one to get us what we want. And I'll be damned if I let you get in my way." Luffy watched defiantly as Woodward pulled out a gun, and aimed it down at him.

"They say bullets don't work on you, Straw Hat. But let's see how your fair against these kinds." That's when he pulled the trigger, Luffy felt the bullet go right into his abdomen. He felt his body weaken, until finally...

Everything went dark.

• • •

Hours later, Luffy awoke. He groaned in pain as he sat up and looked around, he noticed he was back on the Sunny, in the infirmary.

"How are you feeling?"

Luffy looked to his right to see Chopper, he was writing something down on a clipboard, not looking at Luffy. "I'm...I'm fine. How did I get here?" Luffy asks. "Franky and Robin found you and brought you back. You were shot with a sea prism stone bullet." Chopper put down the clipboard and finally looked at him. His face was drained of all happiness. Something was wrong. And that's when it hit him.

"Y/n!" Luffy tried to stand, but the pain was too much. "Calm down Luffy, you'll reopen your wound!" Chopper warned him. "Y/n, where's Y/n!?" Luffy began to panic. The last he knew, Woodward was ordering for his men to...oh no.

"Luffy, do you know what happened to her?" Chopper asks calmly. Lufy felt his heart sink as he recalled what happened, what he let happen...

"Woodward..." Rage consumed him now. "He took her away!" Luffy brought his fist down onto the bed. "Damn it! Damn it!"

"Luffy!" Chopper was worried about Luffy hurting himself. "You have to calm down!"

"How can I calm down when Y/n's gone!?" Luffy yelled.

The door to the infirmary opened, and in walked Zoro. "I heard a ruckus and thought Luffy might be awake, and he looks like he is. What's going on?" Chopper turned to Zoro. "Y/n was taken away by someone named Woodward."

"So that's what happened to her." Zoro muttered. He crossed his arms and looked at Luffy. "So, what do you plan to do now?" He asked. Luffy looked up at Zoro, with rage filled eyes.

Woodward...he tricked them, her hurt Y/n, he took her away...and he was going to pay for it.

"I'm going to get her back."

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