Chapter 11

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It didn't take long for Woodward's crew to notice Y/n running down the stairs towards them, but she did not slow or cower when they readied to attack her. "Focus." Y/n said to herself before raising both of her hands. With a deep breath, she cleared her mind, and put her energy towards one of her more difficult attacks.


The ground beneath the men began to shake, causing some of them to stop or loose their balance. Then without a second's warning, large roots began to break free from the hard dirt.

The force behind the roots was so strong and quick, it sent most of the crew shooting up into the air, before falling back down. Some wrapped around another large group of the crew, now unable to move freely. Y/n had managed to clear a path for herself, now all she had to do was run! She did it, she was free! She just had to run, just keep running!

"Where do you think you're going!?"

The loud burly voice made Y/n freeze. That couldn't have been who she thought it was, could it? No...She slowly turned around. But she had knocked him out...and yet...there he stood at the mid point of the temple stairs. Woodward. Conscious and very angry. She could feel his rage from where she stood. Y/n's legs began to shake, how could her attack not work? That attack never failed to render someone unconscious before! And yet there he was, walking towards her...

Y/n wasted no time, she turned to run again. Yet her legs would not move, she looked down to see her feet were rooted to the ground by wood from the near by trees. She dare not turn around, she could hear him only getting closer to her. She was trapped like a wild animal that had been caught. Closer, and closer her got, until he was but inched away from her. Slowly, he leaned down and whispered into her ear.

"You're gonna regret that..."

• • •

The strawhats had their plan, it was simple. The crew would charge in, taking down as many of Woodward's men as possible, clearing the way for Luffy to rush through and avoid as much fighting as he could to prevent his wound from slowing him down. This would continue until they made it to the temple where Y/n was expected to be. That's when Luffy would face Woodward, and take Y/n back.

There was only one problem, the vastness of the forest could hold them back. At least, that would have been a problem if not for something very strange happening.

"The plants, they're moving out of our way." Robin said, the crew watching the trees part, the vines lowering, any and all obstacles clearing out. The crew didn't have the time to question it, but they were thankful as they ran through, hoping that whatever the strange life on this island was doing was good.

"Remember Luffy. Don't push yourself too hard, you'll be useless to Y/n if you bleed to death." Chopper reminded his captain. "I know. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. And so will Y/n." Luffy placed his hand on his wound, he couldn't worry about that right now. Y/n was more important. He had to get her back, no matter what. Even if the pain was too much, even if his wound reopened, he wouldn't stop until he had her back with himself and everyone else.

Y/n was his friend, he cared for her just as much as he cared for all of his friends. And yet, the urge to protect her, keep her safe and happy, was stronger than he knew. Y/n meant everything to him, but Luffy couldn't figure out just why. Sure, because she was part of his crew, which was like his family. But, deep down, he felt there was something more to it. He just couldn't figure out what or why.

But that could wait. Saving Y/n was his top priority right now.

'Hang on Y/n, I'll get you back no matter what!'

• • •

Y/n let out another pained yelp as she was, yet again, thrown to the ground. Blood had already began leaking from the various cuts and scrapes along her body. It didn't help that hard and sharp wood was cutting her with every hit she took from Woodward. She panted as she tried to lift her head, which throbbed in pain. Her vision blurred slightly as her eyes tried to refocus on the world around her.

"You're going to do what I asked, girly." Woodward stood over her, she felt pathetic. She felt weak. And that's exactly what Woodward wanted.

"There is not anyone who dare face me when I use my powers. Not anyone who lived to tell the tale at least." He laughed. "Now then." He leaned down and grabbed a fist full of Y/n's hair, forcing her to stand. She grit her teeth and bite back any pained noises that might try and escape her. "Are you going to do as you're told?" Y/n sharply glared at him, before spitting in his face.

"I'd rather die."

Woodward snarled before slamming his free fist into her gut, causing Y/n to vomit up a good amount of blood. Woodward dropped her, but before she hit the ground, he kicked her away. She was sent flying back against a tree. Slumping against the bark, this time no sound escaped her but a tiny whimper. Tears pricked at her eyes, but she dare not shed any. He would not see her cry.

"Rather die?" Woodward repeated. "When you get me into that temple, I shall grant you that wish."

Y/n lifted her head, her glare still as sharp as before. "What's inside that temple..." She began with a pant. "Is not for you...or anyone! Don't you get that? This island, is protecting it for a reason!"

"You think I don't know that? Tell me, when people hide their treasure, is it for anyone else? Do they protect it for a reason? Of course. So others can't have it. That temple is all the same, there is some sort of treasure inside, not meant for anyone except whoever hid it in there." He continued. "I do not care if this island is alive or not. I do not care what risks I have to take. The curiosity of a pirate is not swayed by being told no or to stay away. I will have whatever is inside that temple. And you will be the one who gets me into it. The choice to do it with as little broken bones as up to you."

Y/n said nothing, what could she say? She knew more of this would keep up if she just kept insulting him. But she couldn't bring herself to obey his orders. And now, fighting back or running away was not an option. What could she do?

"Perhaps I should break our little deal? Would you rather I send my men to slaughter what's left of your crew?"

"No!" Y/n yelped. "Then you'd be wise to listen and do as you're told!" Utterly defeated, and left with no other options, Y/n obeyed. Woodward jerked her up and forced her to walk back up to the top of the temple.

'Everyone...if you're still out there, please don't come back for me.'

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