Chapter 4

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Y/n woke up the next day, shocked to see Luffy still there where he was laying last night. He was fast asleep. Y/n sighed, she got up and dusted her dress off. She walked away from her spot and went to gather some breakfast. By the time she came back she saw Luffy was stirring awake.
"You awake?" Y/n asked as she set a basket of fruits down. The had learned to wove baskets when she was a kid, it was a useful skill to have now that she was alone. Luffy rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes. "Yeah." He muttered, still sleepy.

"Why haven't you gone back to your crew? They have to be worried." Y/n picked up an apple and tossed it to Luffy, who caught it before taking a bite out of it. "I told them I was gonna find you last night." Y/n gives him a confused look. "Why?" She asks, suspicious of his actions. "I wanted to know more about your village. If we're not allowed to go there, then I want to hear what it's like from you."

Y/n grabbed a fruit for herself before speaking. "It's not much. It's a small village, ran by the village elder." She still remembered his harsh words before he exiled her. "We built everything we had from the ground up. Um, there's a really nice waterfall just a while away from the village. It's our main source of water." She continued. "There are hunters, mostly men, but some women have been lucky enough to earn the title. My father is one of them." She sighs. "I miss him."

Luffy tossed the apple core off somewhere. "Why not just go back?" He asked. "Are you dense? I already told you, I'm exiled." Y/n clarifies. "I can't go back. They'll just chase me off." Luffy hummed. "Sounds pretty complicated."

'It's really not.' Y/n thought.

"I have no idea about what kind stuff goes down in your village, not that I care. Sounds all too dramatic to me." Y/n rolls her eyes. "Yeah, you're right. You don't know the first thing about my village. What I told you about is enough, don't go looking for answers got it?" Luffy shrugs. "Sure."

There was a sudden rustle of bushes behind the two. Y/n gasped lightly, she turned to face whatever it was. She half expected it to be a boar or some other dangerous animal. She's narrowly avoided them in the past week, but this time it was coming head on. Maybe...maybe she could use her powers again? She didn't have much time to think, whatever it was, it was getting closer.

So that's what Y/n did, she used the vines hanging around her. She shot them forwards, and wrapped them around whatever it was. That's when she heard a yelp. It was human. She pulled forwards, thinking it might have been one of Luffy crew members. But as soon as the person fell from the bush out into the open, Y/n gasped. It was her father...

"Papa!" She released him and kneeled down to his height. Haku groaned, rubbing his head as he sat up, holding onto a spear. "Sheesh, Y/n. You're getting better at that." Y/n hugged him tightly. "Papa! I'm so happy to see you! How did you get away from the village?" She pulled back to look at him. He looked like he hadn't been getting sleep, due to the dark circles around his eyes. "Hunting party. We split up to see what we could find, and that's when I took the chance to find you."

"Who's this guy?" Luffy asks, looking down at Haku.

Haku glares up at Luffy before standing. "I could ask you the same thing. What business do you have with my daughter?" Luffy raised his arms behind his head. "Just hanging out. She helped me and my crew last night."

"Crew?" Haku gaped. "Then, that would mean you're a..."

"I'm a pirate." Luffy finished for him, with a delighted grin on his face. Haku's hold on his spear tightened. He raised it and aimed the blade at Luffy. "Leave this place!" He demanded. "Papa, wait he-"

"I will not say it again!" Haku yelled. Luffy didn't budge. "Why should I?" He counters. "You're not the boss of me, I'm a captain!"

"Captain or cabin boy, I will not hesitate to attack if I must. Last chance, leave!" Luffy just stared at him, moving his arms down to his side. A smirk fell upon his features. "So you wanna fight, eh?" Luffy cracked his knuckles. "No!" Y/n stood in between them. "No one is fighting anyone." She looked at each of them.

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