Chapter 14

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Luffy picked up Y/n and turned his back to Woodward, much to his disliking. "Hey! Don't you dare turn your back to me Strawhat! We're not finished here!" He yelled. Luffy ignored him and began to walk towards the entrance of the temple. "There's no point in trying to save the dead! What you're doing is useless!" Still Luffy ignored him, just as he stepped outside, Woodward shot another sharp branch towards him in anger. Just as it was inches from his him, he moved his head to the side, the branch went right past him.

Woodward blinked a few times, bewildered by what just happened.

Luffy saw Chopper in his 'Arm Point' form, inhaled deeply and yelled out:


The doctor looked back towards the temple, he saw Luffy holding Y/n, and knew right away something was wrong. Chopper punched away an enemy before running up the stairs. "What happened to her?" He asked, seeing as she was bleeding out, fast. "Woodward did this." Luffy said lowly. "I need you to help her, can you?" Chopper took a second before answering him. "I'll have to get her back to the ship right away." Luffy nodded. "You go then. I'm going to beat that bastard into the ground." Chopper took Y/n from Luffy's arms. "Right. I'll do my best!" He ran off, hoping the forest would be on his side and direct him back to the ship.

Luffy turned back to the temple, and Woodward was waiting for him. Luffy's mind was full of rage, his heart was beating out of his chest, so hard, that it was near painful. Or, it could be that he was slowly but surely bleeding to death. Either way, he would not stop, not hesitate, he wouldn't dare break, until Woodward was down at his feet. Beaten into the dirt, like he deserved.

Woodward lied to him, tricked him, nearly killed him, hurt Y/n...He hurt Y/n, more than in one way. And for that, Luffy wouldn't stop until Woofward was down for the count...

Luffy let out a yell of fury before rushing back up to the temple. He reeled his fist back and shot it towards his foe.


• • •

Luffy dodged another attack from Woodward, and delivered a few blows himself. But none of them could seem to land. Luffy's vision was beginning to blur, he was getting weaker by the minute. He needed to finish this quickly, or else...

"It's no use Strawhat!" Woodward yelled. "With this ring, I've become ten times as strong as I was!" He then slung Luffy into a near by wall. "There is nothing you can do to defeat me! So just" He slammed Luffy down on the ground as hard as he could, knocking the wind, and some blood, out from him.

"Give up!"

Luffy laid there, world spinning, light headed, and on the verge of passing out. His eye lids became incredibly heavy. And just as he closed them...Y/n came to mind.

"Go take him down."

He would. For her, he would stop this monster.

Luffy's eyes snapped open, he raised himself from the ground and stood tall. "Never, I'm never going to give up. Not on this, not on my crew, and especially Y/n! You're going down, one way or another!"

"Gomu Gomu No..."

Luffy took a deep breath before jumping up into the air. He reeled his fist back, his eyes flashing with rage, and with a mighty yell-

"Red Hawk!"

Woodward wasn't going to stand there and take it. The veins on his arms popped as he conjured up as much wood as he could into a giant fist, the wood made his arm ache, but he ignored it before launching it towards Luffy. The two fists collided making the temple shake. The two men yelled as they put more effort into their attacks. But ultimately in the end, it was Luffy would would prevail. His fist broke through the wood, and landed right into Woodward's own fist, breaking the ring.

The itself ring breaking caused a small explosion, along with Luffy's attack, knocked woodward back into a wall. Upon impact the wall broke and crumbled, and Woodward was sent flying.

It was over.

Luffy landed on his back, panting heavily. His vision blurred, the world spinning, his heart rate slowly becoming more and more faint. He was loosing too much blood, if nothing was done then soon...

He would die.

• • •

Luffy awoke sometime later that night. He was in the infirmary, based upon his surroundings. He groaned at the brightness of the room, that sound alerted Chopper. He quickly ran to Luffy. "Luffy!" He called. Luffy blinked a few times before his vision adjusted properly. "What...happened?" He rasped. It then hit him. "Ah! Woodward, where's that bastard!?" He tried to sit up, but Chopper stopped him. "He's nowhere to be found." He told Luffy. Luffy relaxed slightly. "Then, I guess I won then." He chuckled. "Say, where's Y/n? Is she alright?" He asked. "Did she wake up too?"

Chopper lowered his head, then shook it no.

"Oh. Then, can you tell me when she does wake up?"

"Luffy...I don't think, she is going to wake up." Luffy blinked. "What are you saying?" He couldn't see Chopper's face, but he could hear his tiny sniffles. "I tried everything I could to save her...but..." Luffy's heart sank. "Chopper...don't tell me she's..." Chopper looked to his left, there was another bed. Luffy followed his gaze, and saw Y/n lying there, motionless.

Luffy shot up quickly, he got out of bed ignoring Choppers pleas, and hurried to her side. "Y/n! Y/n wake up! You can't be dead, you can't be!"

"Luffy!" Chopper tried to calm him down. "Wait a minute!"

"Y/n!" Luffy yelled. "Snap out of it, please!"

"Luffy, she's not dead!" Chopper yelled as well. Luffy looked back to him. "She's not?" There was a flicker of hope in Luffy hearing that. "She's not dead but...there's nothing else I can do for her. She just won't wake up. I don't know what's wrong, but...I might have been too late to save her." Luffy said nothing as he looked back to Y/n. "She's not dead." Luffy clung to that. She might not be awake, but at least she's not dead. That was all Luffy could ask for in that moment.

After that night, for the next week, Luffy refused to leave Y/n's side. He barely slept or ate, his health was declining the more he neglected those things. But no matter how much his crew would beg for him to try to sleep or eat a little more, he'd just ignore them.

Because he was waiting. Waiting for Y/n to wake back up.

And no matter how long that might take, he would not leave her side...

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