chapter 1

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"I LOVE YOU" he whispered in my ear and before I could even catch his eyes or even see him, he left, I just saw his back, and all I did was just sit there silent looking at his back surprised and shocked from what just happened, it was like time stopped and I couldn't even blink, I just kept staring at him, he walking with his hands in his pocket and his brown shinny hair. It all happened so fast I didn't know what to do! looking at him walking away from me it was one of the weirdest feeling I have ever felt in my life, maybe because it was different; I don't know maybe.

Soon he was out of sight, I turned my head and then I got caught in these weird thoughts. I wasn't the type of a girl that would be told this word so easy, I dont know how to explain this but truely I didn't believe in love at this age, and most of the time I push anyone who tries to declare his love for me, I was just 18 and the oldest one of my friends was 20, so I wasn't so familiar with guys, I barely talked to them except for something connected to studying, teachers and just normal stuff, I know you probably think I was complicated or something , accutly everybody thought so even some of my friends, but truely my ideal definition of love at this age was a stupid thing that makes you get low marks and cry alot for no reason! I've always said why would I do this to myself? I didn't make that up it was true, it happened to all my friends and almost all the girls I have ever seen, what's really stupid is the fact they still believed that they will find that one person, If you were in my place you would probably think the same way.

"where is your head?"Emma sat next to me breaking my line of thinking,

"her new love maybe!"merry said sitting next to me on the other side, she always makes fun of me like that but I was kind of still shocked and surprised from what he had done, so somehow I panicked and answered her fast and serious, and said"ME!? NO WAY!!" am I crazy or something what did I just do! uh stupid me! I need to slap me really!! they both looked at each other surprised, a moment of silence passed,

"looks like she is hiding something!" Emma winked to merry,

"oh la la la! I wonder who is the intensively sexy guy who would catch samii's eye" merry pinched me , then the whole scene replayed In my mind and I started blushing, DAMN IT!!! oh god not blushing, I'm domed !!

"ohhh!! then its true!" Emma said , now both of them is now very interested and surprised, it not like I don't want to tell them what happened or something to be honest they are my truely best friends and I really wouldn't want to tell anyone but them, but we were waiting for the rest of our friends to come but our relationship with them wasn't so strong, infact we hated some of them but you know that kind of people who just stick their nose in everything and no matter what you do they are just stuck,

"I will tell you everything later, yet none of the things In your minds is true! I don't want everyone to know! okay?" I smiled to them,

We waited for the rest of our friends to come I can see from Emma and Merry's eyes that they would die to know everything, but anyway they kept waiting for our friends, just a few minutes and rest of our friends came, it really was few minutes but a whole year for Emma, Merry and me.
Emma and Merry acted very normal as much as they could, I know I can trust them anyway, but they just can't just hold there eyes, they just take a sneak every now and then.

We were all heading home , I decided I want to walk home to have time with myself and start thinking again, its just I don't understand why he did it? why me? I'm not something special, its not like I would fall in love with him or something it was just weird and out of blue, just who is he. 

"mum, are you there?"i shouted,

"yes, im in the kitchen" I went to her "How was you day sweet heart?"

"normal, almost!"

"whats with almost! what happened?" she came out and I told her everything about that guy and what he did, she told me that he will show himself sonner or later so I  don't have to worry and think about it too much,

"look honey he didn't do anything different, its just that he might be smarter than other guys, instead of saying directly to you face to face, he wanted you to think about him first so that when you see him again things would be different!" she also told not to tell my friends , not because she hated them or something but she just knows that fact about girls; know they have problem with keeping secrets but I know I can trust  Emma and Merry cause they are my sisters.

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