chapter 10

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"are you ready for the next lesson?"patch waiting for me at the door,

"are you?"

"more than ever" he winked at me,

"trust me I wont forgive you for this" Merry narrowed her eyes to him, that's Merry whenever it come to studying, we all laughed at them both, then I left with patch.

this time almost the whole walk we remained somehow silent, I tried to open conversation but every time he turns me down, I knew he didnt mean to but why is he distancing himself from me? did I really do something that wrong I dont inderstand.

we reached Starbucks,

"so what do you want to eat?"I asked him,

"im not hungry, you can eat alone then we can start"he didnt smile at all but I dont care if there is something bothering him either its from me or not I wont make it get worse,

"okay then im not going to eat, and if I didnt eat, I bet you would understand a word I say" I smiled at him, he smiled finally maybe cuz he realized I did the same thing he did last time, im happy that I managed to make him smile,

"okay"patch said, then I went to buy the food.

I came back with the food, we started eating,

"so whats your problem?"I asked him,

"I told you before, I have problem with all maths"he replied

"im not asking about maths, what is your problem today?"

"what do you mean?"

"you have been distancing yourself from me today so much and you were over silent from the normal you"

"really, im sorry"

"no thats okay I was just asking for the reason"

"yeah, I have been thinking about something"

"wanna talk?"

"no, no itsa least for now I dont want to tell you"

"ohhh.....okay, how about we start, and I am giving you a test about the past lessons" I gave him a smirk,

"wait what we didnt deal about having exams!"

"well if you want me to teach you, I have some rule" me acting as a teacher, he laughed at me.

My time with him is always great I dont want this day to end ever and I dont want everyday with him to end.

he walked me home and here comes the goodbye, just as I was going to my house he grabbed and pulled me in his arms and hugged me so tight,

"you know samii I wont let anyone take you from me" I kept my head on his chest, hearing his soft heart beats , the wind blowing, for the first time I could feel it through every inch of my whole body, I just stood there so close to him,

"I know" I gave up, I cant take this anymore, I hugged him back softly,

he pulled back, im sure he didnt hear me I didnt say it loud enough, I barely heard myself,

"okay you should be prepared for this everyday, I dont goodbye! especially you!"he winked at me,

"if I were you I would be ready for tomorrow's test"i winked back,

"okay then lets have a deal, before we eat you give me the text, if I did good at it you will have dinner with me, any restaurant I choose"


"why no??"puppy face patch

"if you got A+, then I will count it a deal" I crossed my arms in a competing way, he took a sec to think,

"Deal!"he shaked my hand, then we split.

the bext day at school, he was waiting for me as normal

"good morning! ready for the test?"

"hell yeah"wow he is so sure of himself, the lesson I gave him was really hard one, besides one of the hardest, anyway we will see what he can.

Emma and Merry aproched us,

"hey there"emma high fived us,

"you!!!!!" Merry narrowed her eyes to patch and frowned at him, we all laughed at her, thats merry when it comes to studying, she does really hate him now.

"hey Emma can I have a sec. with you"patch said,

"yeah okay"she left with him,

I took a sneak they were talking but I couldnt get they were talking about, five min and they were back,

"what was all that for?" merry said.

emma and merry left and its now me and patch again we are heading to class,

"im so excited for our dinner"he said,

"yeah"i rolled my eyes,

"trust me , you will see"

we entered the class, I looked at my desk and this time it had a big note written with marker I think, that said "WHY DID YOU THROW IT? VUT STILL I DONT CARE AND I WILL TRY MORE!" and a flower next to it, who is this stupid guy thinking I would fall for him by just notes?! whatever im throwing this shit anyway, I turned to go to the trash, patch's eyes didn't get of the note, I pretend I didnt see him and went to the trash and threw it along with the flower, then I got back to my desk, patch was still staring, and I can tell that his mood has changed, he seemed angry, so I decided not to talk and pretend I didnt notice.

I went with Emma and merry to have our lunch break,

"what's all this about? who is that stupid guy anyway?"merry asked

"I don't know but with ways I dont want to meet him, for me he seems annoying or maybe because"i looked around to see if patch was there"i like patch, so I dont care about it much"

"no you wouldn't care about him anyway, either after or before patch, looks like his the obly guy in the whole world who reached your heart" Emma said"and that guy is not good and I am postive about that, its either he hates you or he hates patch, cuz right now every single person in the whole school sees you as the best couple ever, so why would anyone interfere between you too"

"you have a point but I have one question"she nodded "me and patch are the best couple in the school? when did that happen? "

"long time dont bother yourself"lunch break ended and we are headed back to our classes.

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