chapter 6

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we went to class, I didnt co concentrate on anything around me, I just kept thinking about the person who is watching me, fear going thrught all my body,

"hey!! are you okay?, its lunch break already" back to real life! patch was looking at me in concern,

"yeah I am fine, I just didnt sleep well!"I got my lunch from my bag and stood up to leave,

"are you sure that you are okay? its about the stalker right?"patch held my hand, so I stopped, I can just stick him with me anymore, but I really need him now, but I dont want him to worry about me,

I turned to him " stalker?"I pretend I didnt understand "oh yeah the stalker, no its nothing just came to think of it I really didnt sleep well at all that day so its probably my imagination"o smiled at him, he didnt seem to be convinced so much,

"okay then!"he let go of my hand, then wrote something on a paper then gave it to me,

"here take my numbers, if anything happened call me"he gave me the paper,

"no thank you its okay, I appreciate it but thanks" I gave him the paper again, then I turned to leave,

"wait, im not telling we have to exchange numbers, just take mine in any emergency! "he stood up and put in my bag,

"ok, thank you"i smiled at him then left,

the lunch break ended, class too, and I was getting ready to leave,

" hey there patchy" a girl with a long blon-, wait thats the girl who pushed me!!!,

"Nancy!? what are you doing here" he was somehow surprised, i was watching with the end of my eye,

"its bad luck we didnt end up at the same class!" playing with his shirt in a flirty way,

"get out of here I dont want to see you!" he pushed her hands away from him,

"oh come on dont be so mean to your girlfriend!" wait what GIRLFRIEND!? then she grabed him and kissed him from his lips, I felt thunder going through my heart, I took my bag fast and left, maybe it looked like I was angry, actually I was really angry, tears gathered in my eye,

"sam wait" we were out of the building already, I continued walking, wait why am I angry I dont have the right to be! I m the one who refused him, I stopped and wept my tears, and turned to face him with a smile, he didnt do anything wrong,

he came closer "im sorry for what happened, she is m-",

"no its okay, im the one who is supposed to be saying sorry, its not like im your girlfriend, I should have stormed out like that" then tears started gathering in my eyes again,

he looked surprised at me "no really I mean it she is not my girlfriend, she is my ex" I felt kind of reliefed when I heard him saying that, but that kiss keeps rolling in the background and makes me want to cry again,

"its okay, thanks, bye!" I smiled at him then turned and left, cuz I really wanted to cry, but I didnt want him to see me, I dont know why but my heart really hurts right now, but somehow I trust him, she is not his real girlfriend cuz if so why would she push me from the stare? but still that kiss made me feel that she has stolen something from me.

I didn't go to school the next day, I wanted to rest! all these things are so new and so hard to me, oh god why does my first love has to be that hard!! then that stupid kiss came to my mind again, this time I got angry,

"that bitch, wait and you will see" I started punshing my pillow, tomorrow is the first day on week end now I decided to study today and this weekend very hard, I still dont want my marks to go down, to be honest it will somehow keep me patient untill I go to school.

I shut my phone down, I didnt see any of my friends, all I did was studying and listening to my I-pod, you know i kept hearing the song he sang to me ~Nothing really matters~ it really did make me feel happy every time I hear it.

first day at school, I entered the school patch was standing there I went to say hi, he caught my eye before I go, came to me really fast!

"are you crazy"he pushed me to the wall, his hands was right next to my face on the wall,"what were you thinking of, shutting your phone and I didnt even see you coming out you house once" he yelled at me,

"I am sorry!"I looked at his eyes, that concern look of him gets me flying!

"I thought that something bad happened to you" he kept yelling!

"I am sorry!!"I cant believe im that bad to get him so worried about me like this, I am really a bad person, I started crying, not because he was yelling at me I was happy for that one, but I cried beacuse I really was a bad person making him worry like that,

"he sorry I didn't mean to yell at you so hard!" he lowered his tone and put his hands on my shoulders,

"no im sorry I didnt mean to make you so worried about me" he smiled at me, just came to think of it I am really cruel person, I wept my tears,

"hey patch, im really sorry and you are right I am really cruel"then I started crying again, this time it was harder than ever, this time I am convinced that I am and now I really hate myself,

he hugged me "dont ever say that!! you have the kindest heart that I have ever seen" my heart beats were racing,

"cheater!" that bitched nancy yelled at him, he let go of me and turned angry again,

"you know you cant hug any girl when you have a girlfriend" she looked at me, so I turned to leave, but patch grabbed my hand,

"No you are not leaving" he gave me a small look then turned to her"first of all you are not my girlfriend nancy, you are my ex and you know why! and if you tried playing my girlfriend again infront of sam, the next time you are really going to regret it!" she looked at me with all the hate she got then left by these words I was standing behind patch,

"I am sorry for all the problem you have because of me!"he turned to me, still holding my hand,

"no its okay, im happy that you are there"i smiled at him, he seemed confused, then he turned so happy, what did what I said mean?........damn it was I flirting, Shit!

"I think its okay now to leave my hand!"I blushed a little, he was still staring,

"ohh, sorry!" he looked so funny, so I laughed a small laugh at him,

"hey come on thats not so funny!!" he gave me a baby face, then we went to Emma and merry!

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