chapter 8

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It was lunch break, patch already left class,
"so did you tell him?"Merry asked me,

"are you crazy girl you should thank god that didnt kill you both!!"

"so you didn't tell him"merry looked disappointed but Emma looked like she already knew this was going to happen,

"but I told him about nancy" now merry and emma's eys lit from excitement,

"realy!? what did he say!" merry asked,

"he said he is going to walk me home everyday, just to make sure im okay", I saw their jaws dropping,

"what?"I asked them,

"okay give me one reason, for you not to tell him that you like him??" Emma,

"I don't want to!, I dont know its confusing, besides I dont want my marks to drop!"

"what!? who said that love makes your marks drop?!"

"huh? I dont know anyone who is in love and didn't get her marks in the ground! !"

"no wait thats stupid, you know! you dpnt know anyone who is clever and fell in love to be more accurate! most of us doesnt study and not clever so love, makes it worse as already we didn't care before about our marks, but for you! you are the only clever girl in our group, precisely the only clever girl in school that have the chance to fall in love and to get loved by someone as you are pretty, energetic and clever! so dont blow of your chances!" Emma finished her talk,

I just stood their speechless, wow! to be honest im more than just convinced, and besides I didnt even now that Emma can talk like this before, but still I dont have the courage to tell him!

"I understand but I cant tell him, im not brave enough to do it"

"even if you know he likes you and you die to hear that word from you?!"

I cant answer that, I want to and I know ge likes me but its so hard for me to just say it, and she!! talking to me so serious and me being convinced but I just cant, I never beliebed I love so how could I all at sudden decided to tell someone that I love him!? how? i want to tell him! and im afraid he would lose hope and go away from me, anf if that happens I would die but things like this, I cant do just out of blue! I couldn't handel my thoughts anymore and I remember that kiss nancy gave to him and my heart started pounding, I wanted it, but im not fighting hard to get it! then I bursted into tears, I didnt bother to wipe this tears I know they understand, they both came and hugged me,

"samii, im sorry I didn't mean to go so hard on you!" Emma said patting on my hair,

"I know! and you are right, I the one to be sorry but sometimes I cant handle my thoughts! they just get through me!! and im sorry to worry you so much all the time!"

we remained silent for a while,
"are we going to keep hugging for ling time, I love my tummy more than you guys"Merry said breaking the silence, we laughed at her,

"okay let go eat!"Emma said then took my hand and we went to buy something fast before the lunch break ends, we ate then we went back to class, we finished biology and now we are taking french, I dont face any problems with french, infact I think im pretty good at other languages, so I just started to think with myself and fly with my thoughts again as usual,

"hey!" I didnt answer I was thinking it was probably my emagination "hey!"patch gave me a little push,

"yes, sorry I wasnt concentrating"

"really? like I dont know!"he raised an eyebrow,

"okay!!"I smiled at him "what fo you want?",

"their are some lessons I want you to explain to me in maths"

"yeah sure after class!",

"okay then we are going to Starbucks before I walk you home" again he took the decisions without waiting for my answer and turned, I just stared at him for a min. or two, okay maybe more.

the class ended, "so are you ready?", he asked me,

"ready for what!?"Emma came asked,

"we are going to Starbucks, want to come? im going to help jom with some maths lessons"i replied, she looked at patch then back to me,

"I would love to but since he gave me that look that says "stay out of it or..." I think we wont",

"he gave you wh-",

"now lets go cuz it getting late and you need to explain these lessons to me before I walk you home, bye Emma bye Merry!"he pulled my hand walking to the door and waved byes to them, he kept holding my hand untill the school gate, I dont want this to end I want him to hold on tight forever! he left my hand at the door,

"okay lets go"he turned to me, I was still looking at the ground, imagining that he is still holding my hand,"whats wrong? ",

I looled up at him "nothing, lets go!" then I started walking, he caught up with me and we walked together to Starbucks, to be honest the walk wasnt silent at all, we kept talking all the way there, about teachers students, and making fun of his friends and my friends.

we arrived, he was really gentle man the whole day, he pulled the chair for me to sit,

"thank you" I smiled at him,

"for what my lady!"he smirked, then he sat next to me, I got my notebook and my maths books out to start,

"are we starting now!!" he gave me a puppy face,

"yes!!" I made fun of him,

"thats not fair, im hungry!"still with the puppy face, its so cute and adorable!,

"okay you can eat while I prepare my things!"

"are you nuts?? you think im gonna eat without you?" he stopped the puppy face and gave me a serious look,

"what I am not hungry!",

"if you are not eating then im not eating, and if didnt eat I dont concentrate and if I dont concentrated, you will probably go running and screaming in the street"

I laughed at what he said, it was really funny "okay, I will eat! but not much okay!",

"okay" he winked at me,

we finished eating, "now what are the lessons you have problems with?" I asked him,

"all of it!" he replied,

"what likea all of it, ALL OF IT?!?"I was surprised,

"yeah I really do suck at maths!" he started scratching his nape,

"its okay! now lets start from the very first lesson" I said, then we started studying.

we finished some lessons then its becoming late, I already told my mother that I would be late a little, but now its time to leave, I was putting my things in my bag when mu eyes caught nancy, I pretended I didnt see her, we stood up to leave, we went out of the door,

"wow, you are really good at this!" he put his hand on his neck "I think im going to improve at maths finally",

"no problem! "I smiled at him, then he walked home, and it was the time I say bye,

"see you soon patch" smiled at him before I get into my house,

"sooner than you think!"he gave me a winked then I went inside and he left.

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