chapter 4

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I went to school the next day, I barely got enough sleep I was thinking all night about why did he cry was it because of me? did I do something to him? he definitely wasnt expectimg me to accept his love just like that I barely know him, I kept thinking all night so I only sleep for two hours so I really so tired!

I entered school but I wanted to be distant from my friends , its not that I hate them or something infact in some way this is the time when I realy need them the most and also the time whem I get to know who is my real best friends and who is not, but I want to have time with myself, I want time to think more.

I was putting my headphones listening to music you can say that its classics, jazz and violin, im not so into this type of music I love all kinds but it seems comforting for thinking, "hi" I waved to them then continued walking.

I dont know what this might get me, hate from some of them maybe, but I dont want to see most of them just Emma and merry, I seated myself in a distant bench which was empty, staring at the ground,

"wow!! you look horrible!"I heard someone saying this from my headphones, so I took it of and looked up and guess how the best two girls in my life they are always there when I need them most!

"yeah I know"i smiled at them

"why? what happened?"merry sat next to me,

"let me guess its because of that romantic jerk patch right?"


"what have you fallen for him that you cant sleep"

"NO!! of course not, its just I want to know why he was crying and calling me cruel thats realy so........... CRUEL!"

"its okay maybe he will tell you why someday!and for what he did he is a total jerk!"

"so arent you going to come to sit with us? or do you want us to stay with you?"merry asked, I dont know both!! I want you to stay you make me feel better and I want to think alone though, before I could answer the bell rang and its time for going to classes.

"guess you dont have to choose"Emma gave me a wink "we are going to bring our bags"

"okay I will go to class before you!"

they left, I put my headphones in my bag and going to class,"cruel" , "how could she be thay cruel" alot of gossip like that spead around me just as I stood up, that word have the effect of hell on my heart I can feel some tears gathering in my eyes and continued walking ignoring them and trying to hide my tears, I entered class then I heard a moment of silence when I came in, patch was putting his head on the desk, I went to my desk thanking god thay he could see my tears bu then I found "CRUEL!" curved on my desk I could stop my tears this time I bursted into tears, I sat down fast and cried in my arms, whag did I do for all this to happen to me so suddenly,

"WHO WROTE THAT ON HER DESK?!"I heard patch's voice from above my head so I looked up to see him very angry that you can say his face was red, shouting at the class but no one answered the place remained silent!so he continued "IF ANYONE OF YOU THOUGHT ABOUT DOING IT AGAIN, I THINK THAT HE OR SHE WOULD BETTER BEG FOR THEIR LIVES, TRUST ME NO ONE OF YOU WANTS TO MESS WITH HER AGAIN" all the class kept silent, I took a peek at the class they were all like freaked out, he looked at them for a min then he seated on his desk, min. of surprise then they all started talking normaly again,

"hey, samii, im sorry for what I did, I really didnt mea-"

"no its okay" I wept my tears with my hand "you really did protect me thank you!"I smiled at him, I realy ment it and I realy did feel safe and happy that he protected me from them, I really do forgive him, I saw emma and merry coing towards me I dont think they saw what happened,

"did I just see you talking to patch? or its just my imagination"Emma wisperd in my ear

"can we talk abou this later!" Merry was saying good morning to patch so he would heat what Emma said,

"okay"she winked at me, the teacher entered "lets go merry" then they went to their desks.

its now luch break, and I am so tired like hell I didnt sleep well and crying took alot of my energy,

"come on samii! we are waiting" merry said,

"I think will stay here!!"

"oh come on please come, I will buy you sandwiches"she winked, thats nice actually I dont think that the teacher would let me stay in class anyway so I stood up, patch was already not there,

"you will buy me one you know!!"we laughed and we while we were going down the stair, I felt someone hand at my back then I found myself falling, before I fall I managed to turn I saw that she was a girl with blond straight hair, that the only thing cuz I felt that I was going to fait, my body didnt have power to resist the fall, so I just closed my eyes,...............

I opened my eye slowly I found emma and merry standing, I dont understand I didnt feel anything from the fall, then I was trying to stand up when I just noticed I was sitting on someone, I turned fast to see PATCH!! smiling at me a pained smile,

" OMG!" I turned fast "im sorry!! are you okay??are you hurt"i searched him, to see if he got any wounds or bruises, he saved my life!

"im okay as long as you are okay, so dont worry"he smiled at me I went backward few steps,

"im sorry!"I apologized if he got hurt or something then I just "how did you know that I was f-"he stood up and cut me before I continued me sentence,

"because im always watching you!!"he wispered in my ear then left, probably Emma and Merry didnt hear him,

both of them "awwwwwwe!!!!!" me,

"what?"I glared at them

"sorry but we cant help it, but you to are so cute" Emma said they were holding each other hands,

"I ship you two!"merry hugged me "he is realy a nice guy and he likes you!".

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