chapter 7

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the school day ended normally, until I was on my way back home, when I sensed someone watching me again, this time I didn't stop so the stalker wouldnt notice I continued walking normally then I turned pretending that my keys fell, I took a sneak around, haha why am I not surprised! guess who? It was Nancy, I dont think that she noticed that I got her, then I continued walking normally, I decided that im going to tell Emma and Merry tomorrow at school.

why is she stalking me? just came to think of it, does she really still love him or does she just hate me, maybe she is stalking me to know I am with someone else or something I dont know, but I will keep her under my eyes.

the next day at school!I went to Emma and Merry they were already sitting with our friends, its long time since I talked to them so I decided to go and say hi,

"hey everyone good morning! "I smiled at them,

"ohh!! you look energetic samii!!"

"good morning! "they all smiled back, except Remonda,

"hey samii, you look like you are getting along very well with patch"she looked at me,

" Remonda, first of all its none of your business, second if you ever talked to me about anything about my personal life, no about anything in my life, if I were you I would be ready for a serious storm, and this is a warning!" finally I said it, and this time I was serious, and since I know everyone hates her too, they all looked at her,

"you are annoying, you got her angry!" Emma said, and they all nodded,

"what now its my falt?"I swear right now she really wants to kill me, but I have had enough already and besides I know she wont leave us and she is going to say sorry, not because she means,

"okay, fine, sorry sam for being nosey!"

"its okay" I gave her a small smil "Emma, Merry I want you for a second" they followed me,

"whats the problem samii?" Merry asked,

"I didnt want to worry you before but now im gonna tell you!" I took a breath then continued "I have been stalked by someone from a short while and t-"

"what did you call the police, and why didnt you tell us before?"Emma cut me,

"no I didn't call the police or tell you because I thought it was my imagination, but yesterday day I found the person who was stalking me and guess who!" both of them looked interested "Nancy",

"what!?" Merry took back a step from the shock,

"isnt that patch's girlfriend? the one who kissed him in classs?" Emma said,

"first she is not his girlfriend, she is his ex and thats probably why she is following me maybe!" I said, then both of them looked at each other then they turned their lools at me,


"looks like someone is falling and falling hard baby!" Emma mad fun of me,

"no, no, no way!!"

"uh!! yes way look at your face honey it says im in love!!"

"ohh thats adorable! ! I still ship you two" merry hugged me,

"okay but that a secret, I kind of like him, but im not willing to tell him!"

"girl you are crazy! that guy is so damn in love with you!! how could you not him"Emma said,

"Really you must tell patch about it"merry said,


"tell me what?" before I could say anything patch stood beside me then looked at me,

"I think we should be going"merry said and pulled emma with her and gave me a wink!! someone tell me why did I tell them again!!!

"what was that all about?" he looked at me, im gonna kill them both, I was looking for something to say but definitely not telling him that I like him! oh yes nancy,

"look I wasnt planning on telling you this but since I have to already, you know about the stalker I told you about?"

"yes! did he hurt you? did he do something to you!!?" he squeezed my arms out of worry but it didnt hurt anyway,

"no, im fine! but I got to know who he is" ge left my arm, and looked at me witj concentration, "its nancy, I saw ger following me yesterday! "

"that bitch!"he took few steps back from anger , it felt like he was going to hit someone,

"I think I was right when I said that I shouldnt tell you" he turned his gaze towards me again,

"I think you are! cuz now you are stuck with two people stalking you either this or I will walk you home everyday!"

"what? why?"

"because you cant imagine what she could or might do to you! trust me I know her so well!"he put his hands on my shoulders, "and me walking with you is not a choice, beside I live near you so its not a problem for me!"then he turned and left, didnt even wait for me to say something, and wasn't I going to choose either being stalked by two people or walking with him, anyway im happy that I didnt have to, cause surely I would like to walk with him but definitely I wouldn't have told him that.

we went to classes, and its almost lunch break, I will tell Emma and Merry about what happened, looks like I cant keep a secret from them!

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