chapter 11

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we finished school patch was waiting for me, then we went to Starbucks, he keeps trying to hide his anger and jealously, well thats kinda cute!, we sat down.

"here is your test" I gave him a paper and a pen, the test got five question"you have 30 min. to answer"i looked at my watch and he started answering.

I got bored then I just stared staring at him,

"will you excuse me, I can't concentrate while you are staring"

"ohh!okay sorry!" I turned my face away,

15 min. and he was done,

"wow that was fast!"I took the paper and started correcting,

"I cant believe it you got the A+"

"told you baby, dont underestimate me!"he gave me a wink,

"but how this is one of the hardest lessons amd I just gave it to you yesterday"

"okay how about I tell you on our way to the restaurant"he wasnt asking,

we left Starbucks, and I walked behind him,

"so tell me how did you do it"i asked him,

"easy, I didnt sleep yesterday, I stayed up all night answering all the questions on this lesson and since you are not a teacher you would definitely, choose questiom from the book"

why would he do all this?

"to have best dinner to thank the prettiest and smartest girl in the whole world in my eyes"

wait did i say it out loud?

"yes, you did!" he stoped,

"what's wrong?"

"now you close your eyes!"he turned behind me and binded my eyes, then he took my hand and we started walking.

underneath the binder all that i can imagine, his hand holding mine like he was saving me from a dark cold place, i lost sense of time, i just kept imagining this scene untill he stopped

"now open your eyes!"he removed the binder.


"you like it?"

"are you kidding me i adore sushi!" i cant believe it, i hugged him so hard,just before i realize it he was hugging me back,

"anything for my princesse" he pulled back and kissed my forehead.

It was a great night, no this time i will take it serious, it was the most amazing first date in my whole life, i had the best time in my life.

The next day at school,

"how was your date? " Emma asked, i blushed a little as patch was standing next to me, this is a little bit embarrassing,


"fine?"she winked at me,

"okay i was great! you are annoying"

"wait so you admit that it was a date?"patch said,

"you know that i do so stop being annoying!"as if he doesnt know.

We went to class and again i found a note on my desk, okay whoever doing this its getting out of control, and he started pissing me of, the not said:

        "I loved you even before he appears"

and again i went to the trash to throw it,

"why are you throwing it?"someone held my hand before i threw it, i looked up to find Henry, wait what? HENRY??!  he is one of the most popular guys in our school, he is not in my class but why me? thats stupid i find him annoying,

"hands off!"patch yelled at him and pulled his hand away from me hard,

"hey what's your problem? she is not your girlfriend! is he?" he looked at me, what am i suppose to say, i cant even talk whats going on?! its like my moth froze!!

"looks like she is not yours!"Henry crossed his arms looking at patch, patch got really angry and went to hit him, same as henry, and they both started fighting

"Stop!!" i yelled at the and pulled patch away form herny "are you crazy you are going to get yourself in troble"i continued, i think henry have already left our class cuz patch turned his look towards me again, i was wiping the blood from his face, thank god he wasnt badly endured,

"why?"he he grabbed my hand,

"why what?"

"why didnt you answer his question?"

i just looked at him and didnt answer him either, he was so serious, so angry and so sad , i cant answer him, how could i, i want to ask myself, why didnt i,

"oh yes thats obvious, what was i thinking of? that you might get to love me or something? you are the cold hearted sam, they all told me about this but i didnt care but it looks like its real!" he left my hand, and started walking away,

"you are stupid!" i cried, he stopped walking and i continued "why you ask! cuz saying that you love someone when its not real is alot more easier than telling it to someone yoi truely love" i stopped a second to wip so my tears, he turned to see me "and for cold hearted sam, who didnt believe that love did even exist, that's even harder to admit that you were the only person who got me to believe that it was real!" I couldnt stand anymore, my power is fading away from crying but i cant stop crying i just cant, i continued crying, i was on my knees i flet that the whole world was getting darker"why me? why me? cruel and cold harted, i wish i would die"i murmured

"im sorry sam, i dont know what got through me, would you ever forgive me?"patch came to me and hugged me "never say thay again, i dont deserve to live if you die, my life would be nothing" he said in a very soft voice,

i pulled him away and started running out of class he ran after me but then the bell rang and the halls started getting crowded and he couldnt catch up with me, i went to the roof i want to have fresh air, alone to think with myself.

I'm sorry patch this is all my fault, you are not the one who is supposed to be apologizing, I am the one, i should have said yes, why didn't I, after all what he did for me, how couldnt I say yes, I am sorry patch to leave like this, I really do love you, and i know how i would tell it to you.

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