chapter 13

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me and patch are now a great couple,

"samii, how is patch?"Emma approached me when i entered school,

"he is fine, i hope!"

"what do you mean?"

"i have been calling him but he is not answering"

"so what are you going to do?"

"I dont know I'm already worried about him, he is not answering my calls and it's the first time he is late!"did anything bad happen to him, oh god help me please, I need to know that he is okay!

the bell rang and I had to go to my class, I kept staring at the door hoping that he might enter, but he didn't I tried texting him but still nothing, the bell rang for lunch break I rushed out and tried to call him again but he is still not answering, I am going to his house after school to check on him, I hope he is okay.

the time was so long as hell it felt like each second was a year , and this time I kept staring at the clock, its sound was so loud in my head.

finally the bell rang and its time to go to patch's house, I collected my things and got ready to go,

"Sam" my maths teacher called out,

"yes Mr . John? "I turned to him,

"I wanted to thank you for you effort, you really did help patch improve in maths in no time"

"I'm happy to help him out " I smiled at him,

"And by the way , do you know why didn't he come today?"

"No " I tried pretending cool but I think I didnt succeed in hiding my worried face,

"Okay , see you tomorrow then!" he understood that I was worried but he didn't want to annoy me with lots of questions so he ended the conversation,

"Yeah, bye " I smiled at him then left,

I am going now to his house, he showed me his house before but didn't see his mother or anyone of his family, when I arrived, I knocked the door but there was no answer, I started knocking over and over hoping that they might be just sleeping,

"Hey " I heard someone's voice from the back so I turned, "she went shopping, do you need something?"a woman was standing , but since she said they went shopping then I think that he is okay thank god,

"No thank you may be I will come back later " I smiled at her then left , if he is okay then why didn't he answer my calls? There is no way that they went shopping 7:00am, wait stop, I dont want to be like those crazy girlfriends maybe he was just sleeping and he didn't hear it and forgot to take it with him , that's normal, I will wait for his call, cyz he will surely call me when he sees all my missed calls then I will be waiting for it, and no I'm less worried, I will go home before my mother gets worried.

I waited all night in my room staring at the mobile waiting for him to call me but he never did, thats not normal they can't be shopping untill 2:10 pm, its already late , so he must have came back home and saw my calls, did I do something wrong? NO we were just fine all this suddenly happened, I hope he comes school tomorrow maybe then I can ask him what is the problem, then I went to sleep.

The next day at school, i went early even before my friends came but he wasnt there i waited at the gates, i kept looking at the gate and in every time someone enter my heart skips a beat i felt that i ak going to die like this until Emma and merry arrived,

"Hey there samii, wow first time you came before us"Emma was surprised,

"Yeah i came to meet him but he haven't arrived yet!"

"Did he call you yesterday?"she asked looking worried,

"No he didn't"

"Maybe there is something wrong"

"I went to his house yesterday and their neighbor told me that they went shopping, I was then happy that he is okay, anf thought he might forgot his mobile at home and that he would at least text me when he is back but he didn't, I waited until 2:00am, then I came early today hopping that I might see him but he didn't come yet"

"Don't worry he has an explanation for sure " she said trying to comfort me.

We went to classes I waited for him even though I was sure that he is not coming today either, why did I do something to him, okay I'm going to his house today too, their must be something wrong! At least if I did something he would have told me.

Classes went on just like yesterday time is slowly moving, Emma and Merry tried to make me smile during lunch time by making fun of teachers and our friends to be honest this made me little bit happy, and sure of one thing that whatever happens in this world we will always be friends and I know I will never find friends like them in my whole life.

Finally the day ended and I am now going to his house again,

"Hey samii " Merry called me,


"You are going to his house now?"

"Yes I am!"

"Good luck " she hugged me "wish you the best"

" thank you Merry " a tear slipped from my eye, somehow I felt that whats wrong will bring be a shock I wish not but it's just how I feel.

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