chapter 9

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next day at school! "samii!!!" Merry ran to me as k entered from the gates, Emma followed her,

"so what did you do yesterday? "Emma winked at me,

"I started explaining all the maths lessons to him"i replied, though I knew what she meant with this question, but pretended not to know,

"really thats interesting! "she mad fun of me, expected! "you know what I mean so dont pretend you dont understand",

"okay fine!! I understand but we didnt do anything, we ate and I explained the. lessons to him then he walked me home! thats it!!" I confessed, I knew she would get me anyway,

"what?! you didnt do anything else, its either he is nuts! or he is really fighting hatd waiting for you"she believed me, but that doesnt mean that I want to feel guilty about it,

"he is fighting"i stopped "I know he is!"

"he is what?"patch did for the second time, what its not safe anymore to talk with my friends in school anymore,

"are you going to keep doing this alot?"I crossed my hand,

"keep doing what?",

"really? nosing in every chat I have with my friends!!"

"yes, I will!why?"he said, while Emma and Merry watched us , with the awwwe look, they are crazy,

"because it's annoying! !" I frowned, he so freaking annoying, before he could say anything,

"samii! ! we are going to bring our bags, the bell rang!"really did the bell rang i didnt hear it how could? Merry said and took Emma with her then left,

"okay lets go!"he said and we walked to the class,

we entered class and I found a red rose on my desk, with a note with it, I took it

"did you bring it?"I turned to patch, thats when I saw his eyes flashing, he definitely didnt bring it that look had jealously and fear, so he didn't bring it surely,

" I didn't bring you this one!"he started screaming his nape, im now the one who is! AWWWWE!! THATS CUTE!! I feel that he is afriad I will open it,

"its okay then I wont open it if its not yours!"I smiled at him, then I threw it in the trash, wait...........what did I just do, I really didnt cate to read it if its not from him but , WHAT THE HELL!! I WAS FLIRTING WITH HIM! damn it I really didnt mean to!!!

I just stood there staring at the wall , I didnt want to turn to see him, I can feel him staring at me without even looking! but I won't just stay like that I have to turn anyway, so I turned, he looked so confused,

"did you just say, that you won't read it cuz Im not the one who wrote it?!" he asked, what should I do now,stupid me im probably slapping myself right now,

I just stared at him for few seconds, when finally Emma and Merry came and cut the conversation, this time I really do owe them!!

"the teacher is not coming today! yes!"Merry said,

"really why?"I asked her , trying to change the whole conversation thing between me and patch, but I can still feel him staring and confused,

"she have flu!"Merry replied, but notice that Emma was turning looks between me and patch, thats normal, I mean why wouldnt she? he was really staring strangely than what he used to,

"I am going to the toilet" patch said, then he left,

"what happened??! he looks freaking confused!"Emma asked me just as he left,

"I did a stupid thing!"I looked down,

"what did you do sam?"Emma was really serious,

"someone wrote me a love letter! then I asked him if he was the one who wrote it and......... "I stopping thinking about what I have done,

"and......"Emma looked at me to continue,

"and I told him if he didnt write it then I wont read it and then I threw it in the trash!"their eyes both open very wide ,

"you did what?!"emma was very surprised than usual,

"im sorry I really didnt mean to, it was a slip of a tongue! I swear!" was what I didi that much wrong!? omg, im sorry patch!! I really didnt mean to, I must tell his sorry!!

"I cant believe that you sam did this!" she said,

"im sorry, I didnt mean to, I will apolog-",

"are you crazy that the only thing that tou did great at, that means that you showed him that you dont care about anyone's love but him!! thats amazing I didnt know that you can do things like this! !im proud if you!!"she hugged me, I would love him to know that but that will get me more shy to talk to him!

patch returned from the toilet , his mood changed before he go , he looked confused, now he is not he is just back to normal thank god,

"hey patch are you going to walk sam home today?"Merry asked , I don't know did she ask

"yes why?"

"so she is going to explain to you the next math lesson, right?"

"yes! why?"

"I want to come with you, I want her to explain it to me too!"

"yeah sure!"I said,

"noooooooooooo!!!!!!its my private lesson time and I dont want to share it!!" he crossed his arms, he said it in some kind of funny way, so we all laughed at him, then he started laughing with us,

"okay mr. romantic guy, but you should keep up with her, cuz you wont find anyone like her!"Emma winked at me,

EMMA!! what was that for!!?? you are so dead,

"I know I won't! infact I dont want anyone but her!"he smiled at me, I turned away, so if I was blushing which I was, he wont see,

"okay how about we all go to see a movie next weekend" Merry said cganging the topic, I love her!! thank you!!!

" yeah great, that would be amazing!"Emma said,

"yeah, cool! Im not busy next weekend!"patch said "how about you samii!"he asked me,

"yeah sure, im coming! "I turned and smiled at him.

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