chapter 15

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Lunch break ended, I stayed at class thinking what should I do? In fact I want to know if there is anything I can do for him? I wish I would just kniw what's the reason for all this suffer he got himself in, plus I'm very postive that there is someone is watching him, when he was talking to me I am sure he was looking around him, but who would it be....................... NANCY!! How didnt I think about her? She is the one who was stocking me! And she is the only one who knows patch very well I guess since she was his girlfriend, but still I'm not sure, it could also be anyone, I must know everything,

"Hey! How did it work out?" Emma brought a chair and sat in front of me,

"fine" that was all I could say, I dont know what I could tell her more than that I don't know myself,

"You know fine is not an answer, so what happened? Why did he broke up with you?" I know she is concerned about me but I'm not telling anyone about what he said, at least because I believe him I'm not sure they would too,

"He didn't give me a definite answer actually"

"Are you sure you are okay?" I was looking at her normally, really I wasn't crying or something
"Yes I'm okay"

"You know normally you would be crying, and that would be normal for any girl, but you are not!! so are you sure you are okay?"

"Yes I am!"I smiled a little smile at her so that I could convince her that I am okay but this didn't work out, in fact she got angry and stood up and went to patch and grabbed him from his shirt,

"You know something, you are the worst person I have ever seen I was wrong trusting you with samii's heart, I thought you was a good person, but I was wrong!"
"Emma it's okay! Just leave him" I tried to make her leave him but she wasn't listening,

" You don't deserve her!" She pushed him to the chair "come on sam let's go!"then she grabbed my hand and we left him,

Before I leave I looked at him, he didn't even stand for himself, he was just looking at the floor in regret and sadness, I really felt pity for him, I don't think that he even got mad from being humiliated by a girl, in fact I think that he was saying that he deserves it to himself, thank you Emma for standing with all the time but I really wish that you haven't done this,

We got out of the room,

"Hey samii, I am sorry! I went too far, I shouldn't have done this! At least I know that you didn't want me to do it, I'm sorry I got carried away"

"I know, don't worry yourself and thank you for everything!"then I hugged her, she is really the best,

Then we went back in it looks like our English teacher didn't come today, noises everywhere as usual, and I'm just sitting there staring at the wall, I just want to know that person, who did all this, then our music teacher entered we all love him actually he is funny so we all started cheering for him, then he caught my eye and came towards me,

"Hey samii, it was the first time I hear your voice the other day, wow you have an amazing voice, why didn't you tell me before?" He asked everyone already watching, what should I do now? Surely I wont tell him that I wouldn't even do it except that it was for patch, so I just smiled,

"Okay then may I hear you now again" that didn't appear as a request for me, he handed me a mic, I didn't notice that he entered with a small sub, but it's okay,

I went an d stood at the front, looking at our class, I caught patch's eyes looking at me, I pretended I didn't notice and now I know that he is watching, what song should I choose, since the last time it was for him, this time it will be for him too,

Everyone is so silent and staring waiting for me to start singing, ummmm............okay i will sing ~Take your time-Amy diamond-

"Haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaah
Haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaah,

Take your time" I closed my eyes I don't want to see anything around me but him, I want it to reach him, then I continued singing, " If you cage me I'd wanna be free right?,

when you're tired you wanna sleep safe at night,

We're not changing human nature now,

So when you need love I will show you how,

But if I tell you my heart is yours then what does it mean?

It is a lie to say that without you I cannot breathe,

If the butterfly wings were never meant to fly,


Maybe we wouldn't have to say goodbye,

Though my heart calls,

When your heart wants to run with the wind,

Oh I'll be fine,

And then maybe come back in the spring,

So take your time,

When you let go then your soul decides,

It is easy to enjoy the ride,

We're united, separated, true,

And all that is yours you will never lose,

But if I tell you my heart is yours then what does it mean?

It is a lie to say that without you I cannot breathe,

If the butterfly wings were never meant to fly,


Maybe we wouldn't have to say goodbye,

Though my heart calls,

When your heart wants to run with the wind,

Oh I'll be fine,

And then maybe come back in the spring,

So take your time,

Haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaah
Haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaah

Haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaah
Haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaah

So hard,

If the butterfly wings were never meant to fly,


Maybe we wouldn't have to say goodbye,

Though my heart calls,

When your heart wants to run with the wind,

Oh I'll be fine,

And then maybe come back in the spring,

So take your time"

-don't forget to vote ♡

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