chapter 19

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I really missed the time when i used to walk with him, it was one of the greatest time in my life, probably he doesn't know how much I wanted to walk with him but it can't be helped, its his life I must forget and get away.

I opened the door to our house,

"Sam, you are back?" I heard my mom's voice from upstairs,

"yes!" I heard her footsteps going downstairs,

"What's with the early walking?" Surely I wouldn't tell her that I haven't slept since yesterday, she would probably kill me,

" I walk up early today, and I wanted to walk that's all" for some reason she didn't appear convince of what I have told her just now,

"Really?" She smirked, I couldn't help but laugh, she really looked funny,

"Anyway I am going to get ready for school!" I went to my room and changed.

"How is it possible that I still don't want to sleep?" I laid down on my bed talking to my self, it's really weird that I'm still awake.

I went to see Emma and Merry as soon as I entered school, cuz they always makes me feel better,

"Hey samii!" Emma hugged me,

"Where is Merry?" I noticed she wasn't around,

"she is sick so she didn't come today!"

"How about we go check on her after school"

"Yeah sure! Ummm....there is something I wanted to talk to you about" she seemed confused about wither telling me or not,

"What is it Emma?"

"Look, since you already broke up with patch, I still don't know if I should tell you this or not but I just can't hold it anymore.."

"What's the problem Emma? "

"Look its about Henry, I don't know where to start, but he has been trying to reach you for a long time through me but I didn't tell you about this cuz you were with patch and I didn't want it to be confusing for you so I didn't tell you about it, and since you already broke up with patch, he is planning on confessing his love for you directly"

I was just receiving the new, I don't realy understand how I feel, am I angry, confused or even shocked, I just don't know and I couldn't also reply so I just remained silent.

We went to our classes, I just kept thinking about it, what if he does tell me that he loves me again, what would I do or what should I do? I don't want to start any other relationships, I haven't even got over the first one, how would I start again, in most of the stories I read they take this as a chance to get over their first relationship but I have always thought that it was like cheating, cuz I don't like him, it's just like I'm stepping on him to get over it, so there is no way that I am going to do this.

Now it's time for lunch break, and before I could even bring my sandwich, Henry came, took my hand and took me out of class,

"I need to tell you something!" I know what he wanted to tell me, so I decided to go with him, it's just if I said that I don't want to go anywhere with him, it would surely hurt him cuz after all I truely now believe that he loves me, but I must end it gently. He took me to the roof,

"Hey samii, I love you!" He said it clearly, like he was practicing it for a long time, but still I can't,

"I really appreciate your feelings for me but I just ca-"

"Wait before you reject me" he cut me " I know that you don't like me and you haven't got over patch yet, I really do understand all that, but please just think about it, I'm not asking you to love me now, I'm just asking you to give me a chance to make you love"

"I just ca-"

"No I won't let you say it, please just think about it, then you can tell me your answer tomorrow!" Then he left without waiting for me to say a word,

I don't know what to do, I can't think anymore about anything, Henry might be anice person but I don't know him well, besides I can lie to everyone but I'm not going to lie to myself, I'm not over patch yet, I really am not over him, he is still the only person I would fall in love with, and i also can't say that what patch did was wrong, maybe he is confused and maybe not, its just that i dont want to take the risk, i had enough this year.

-sorry that this chapter was short. ;)!

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