chapter 5

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the lunch break ended and class almost ended, I slept and the last two lessons I couldn't handel opening my eyes anymore!, I dreamt abou t what happen I was with merry and emma walking down the stairs and............"WHAT!?" I bursted in the middle of class,

"is there a problem sam?"I realized I was in class, surely they all laughed at me but anyway I didnt care I would have laughed at me ,
"oh sorry nothing"i smiled the sat down, the girl who pushed me who was that girl??

classes ended and I was packing my things,

"hey what was that for?"patch asked me, first I thought he was making fun of me but when I turned to answer I him, he was really serious and concerned,

"didn't you say that are always watching me?" WHAT DID I JUST DO!! I didn't mean to put I that way!! damn!

"yes and i will always do" he smiled at me, I pretend that I was serious and thatbi didnt notice he was flirting cuz I really need an answer, Emma and Merry aproched us,

"so did you see the girl who pushed me" I turned my look among them to have an answer,

"wait what girl, I was standing at the other side so you wont see me so I didnt see anyo-"

"WHAT?! there is a girl who pushed you?" Emma cut patch from her surprise

"yes I was pushed!"

"we didnt look back at you so we didn't see her" Merry said,

"maybe it was your emagination! you looked very tired!"patch add,

"no im sure there was a girl with long blond hair! I dont even know anyone one who have that kind of color in our school" I looked at him, it felt like suddenly when he heard my description his face got pale somehow he blacked out,

"hey, are you okay?"I shaked him cuz he seemed to be in another world,

"yeah? what? sorry, I have to go now or I will be late" he was confused then he left, we looked at him all in surprise,

"okay this guy is hiding something!"Emma lookimg back at us, we all seemed confused.

the next day at school, it was all normal morning we went to our classe, oh yeah guess what! they really did stop calling me cruel, almost but hey its better that nothing,

"good morning" patch smiled to me when I entered class,

"good morning!"I smiled back, he looks normal than what he looked like yesterday,

"hey samii, I wrote you the notes of yesterday when you were sleeping!" he handed me the notes,

"thank you!"I was so happy and surprised, like him!!

what no way!

......yes way

no dont!!


what??im not lying! !

.....yes you are lying, then why are so happy for some notes you didnt even care about?

well, ummm.....okay I like him a little,

I laughed a little, I cant believe I was arguing with my mind,

"hey samii!"I turned to him " I'm sorry that I left you yesterday, I needed to do something!",

"no, its okay thank you for saving my life"i smiled at him,

our English teacher didn't come today, so we got her period free!, Emma and Merry cane and sat on my desk we talked about many thing we made fun of our teachers , and somehow patch mannaged to be one of our friends, three of us we amazing friends more than the other one, we are all true, non of us was faking anything.

watching him talking and laughing with us, I was so happy.

we finished our classes for today, while was putting my things in my bag,

"just for the record, I wont let you friend zone me!" my heart skipped a beat, he wispered in my ear,Why did my heart skip a beat?

why! easy because you now like him!

I was walking home, and I satred thinking with myself, I like him but I wont tell him infact cant tell him , im not planing on dating anyone now, but think its okay to just like him for now, "okay" I smiled to myself,.............wait someone is watching me, I looked around me , but I didn't notice anything the place was a little bit crowded so I couldnt figure out who was, maybe Im just imagining things, no that sense I am definitely not imagining things someone is watching me and watching me so closely, maybe its patch, I will ask him tomorrow.

I went to school the next day, I caught patch's eye before I could reach my friends to say hi, wait was he waiting for me?, he was standing alone,

who care concentrate! ! I went to him,

"good morning" I told him, I wasn't so much smiling,

"wohhhh!! you are telling me good morning!! that new!"he opened his eyes surprised,

"im not joking! " I crossed my arms cuz I sensed he was making fun of me,

"okay sorry!"he raised gis hands up as for surrender,

"hey patch I know you are starting to get annoyed from this" I put my hands down and I looked down "you said that you are always watching me, so were you watching me yesterday on my way home?" I asked him,

"first that doesn't make me feel annoyed at all that makes me happy that you know im there for for you any time!" I started blushing, oh come on now!! I dont need to blush now "Second I watch you in school and at the club and sometimes on your way home, but yesterday I didnt" he continued and just as he finished , now Im not blushing, im sure my face went pale thats normal, I sense fear!! someone is watching me and he is not patch!

"okay thank you" I turned away from him,

"wait are you okay!?" he stood Infront of me,

"yes im okay, I need to say hi to my friends, so im okay, bye" then I went to them.

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