chapter 14

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I am now in front of patch's house for some reason my heart is pounding so fast and so hard, there is something wrong and I am sure of it, I went to the door and knocked on it,

"Yes" a lady opened the door surely his mother,

"Is patch here?"I smiled at her,

"Who?" She seemed confused,

"Isn't this patch's house?"


"Okay sorry " I turned to leave.

I just want to know where you are patch! Why did you lie to me? And suddenly disappearing? What did I do to you? At least I just want to know that you are okay! Is that to much to ask for?

Then next day at school, I went early again hoping that he might come today, I was standing at the gates waiting, then finally he came, just to he was okay I run to him and hugged him,

"Where have you been?"I asked while hugging him, wait! There is something wrong he didnt hug me back, I took back a few steps and looked at his face, he wasn't even looking at me, it was like I was looking at someone else, someone who is definitely not patch that I know,

"What's the problem?"I asked him,

"What problem? I dont have any problems " he replied coldly,

"I have been trying to reach you for two days, where have you been?"

"Sorry I was busy " this time his cold answer and his eyes not looking at me made my heart hurt so much that I felt it cracked, no I won't cry this time not now!

"You have been busy!? Oh.....and why did you lie about where you live?"

"Hey man what's up?"he left me and went to one of his friends as if I was nothing,

What does he wants to end it just like that? So suddenly without any reasons! Making all this effort to reach my heart and when he does, he just wants to leave like that?

"Hey samii, you look a bit off color! What's the problem?" Emma asked,

"Lets go sit somewhere!" I was still standing at the gate where he left me, I just couldn't move, replaying the whole thing in my mind again and again,

"Okay " we went and sat on an empty bench "okay so tell me what is the problem?"

"Patch he......."I started crying in her arms at least that would comfort me a little,

"What! Is he okay?"

I wept my tears "yeah he is fine, but I think he is breaking up with me and he lied to me about where he lives"

"What! how?"

I told her about what happend,

"That son of a bitch, he is so dead!" Emma got angry and stood up, she was going to fight with him but I cant let that happen I grabbed her hand,

"Emma , No! There must be something wrong and I am sure of it! "

Its true, I am sure there is something wrong and I must find out what it is! And I can't let Emma get in trouble because of me!

"Something is wrong?! After all this and you are defending him?"she sat down next to me angrily,

"Yes, you know i still love him and just can't accept it without any reasons!"

"You are a fool samii " she rested her back on the wall and looked at the sky,

The sky always makes us feel better a peaceful view so I look at the sky all the time!

The bell rang and as I entered class patch has already changed his place and sat at the back, I was expecting it anyway!

I know its hard, I still love him, how can't  I we were just fine! I just need to know the reason for all this! For a normal person crying would be the best way right now but no, I won't cry until I understand everything, I am definitely going to get the answer I want at lunch break.

I waited until lunch break staring at the clock, until finally the bell rang, I saw patch and his friends going out of class, so I went to them,

"Patch I need to talk to you"i called out,

"One second guys " he told them then turned to me, he was expecting it anyway, then they all left, and it's now me and him at the class alone, we kept looking at each other for a couple of seconds in great silence,

"Okay, how about you start explaining!"I crossed my arms,

"Explaining what?"

"Really like you don't know?"I said "okay why did you break up with me?"

He looked around and behind him like someone was watching him then he turned his look back to me with a total different face, when I first talked to him he talked to me back like he didn't care and somehow annoyed but now his look was full of kindness and sadness both, it was a very soft look,

"Look I have my reason, but trust me this was the last thing I ever wanted to do, I don't know I'm confused!" He lowered his voice,

His voice, I don't know what to say, it was so sad, and somehow afraid,

"Just tell me! Maybe I can help you"

"Sorry but you can't, I dont want anyone to know especially you" he looked at me directly "I'm sorry sam, I am really sorry" he said it and before I could say any thing he left.

Why? What is the thing that you dont want anyone to know especially me? I dont care if he broke up with me now I'm sure of it! All I care for know I somehow to help him as long as I'm sure that he broke up with me for a good reason, although I don't know it but I am sure he spoke the truth, and this reason must be important, and I also know that he doesn't hate me infact I know he still loves me, I must know what's going on!!

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