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I knocked on PD-Nim's office and walked in when I heard him reply.
"Y/n- how can I help you?" I shakily took a breath in and sat in front of his desk.
"Why did you pick me to foster the seven of them..?"

He sighed, " I know it may not seem like it right now, but those seven are the kindest people I've ever met and deserve a real home." I nodded as he continued. Thinking to myself PD-Nim should probably get out and meet a few more people then.
"I think they're more ready to leave this place than they realize. As for choosing you-"

I took another deep breath to steady my nerves.
"It was mainly just timing. Plus I've heard about your continuous work throughout the hybrid community these past few years." A faint smile found its way onto my lips, thinking about the memories I've made over the past few years.

"That's a kind thing but... they really don't like me.." He chuckled, dismissing me with his hand.
Shaking my head I left his office to the front being stopped when a staff member called out for me.

"Y/n, you're up to serve the dog hybrids- Chan had to leave, family emergency." I nodded and went upstairs to see the food already set up and hybrids starting to line up in wait.
Quickly I began to put together and hand out the trays to everyone.

I reached Hoseok who sent me a kind smile, brightening my spirits extremely. I smiled and told him to enjoy, serving a few more hybrids after him.

Just amidst my happiness a girl stormed up, cutting the rest of the lime. "What the hell did you do to Hyejin!" She yelled accusingly at me. I raised a brow, already over hearing that name.

"Nothing. I'm confused." She grumbled, "liar! He came down earlier upset and you're the only one serving today!"

I put the tray down, feeling everyone's eyes on me- even the people I'd already served who were eating.
"I didn't do anything, he's the one who grabbed me and bruised my arm- see?" I stuck my arm out, rolling up the sleeve for her to see.

She only shook her head, spewing insults as she continued to blame me, and refuse to move out of the way to allow me to serve the rest.
Annoyed I motioned for the next person to walk around her, finally continuing to serve them.
"Don't fucking ignore me!" She swung her fist but luckily I managed to dodge it.

"Ireum, go sit and eat. I'm tired of this shit." Namjoon growled behind her. Immediately she ducked her head down, glaring daggers at me but picked up a tray and walked away.

I released a breath or relief and handing Namjoon his food. "Thank you.." he quickly grabbed the tray away, eyes narrowing.
"try staying out of trouble for once"
It was my turn to lower my head.

Hours later and I was instructed to take some potential adopters to see the hybrids. Excited about this I quickly led them through, stopping in front of the bunnies who were closest.
"Oh hunny, look at the cute bunnies!" The older women pointed out, her husband clearly not interested in them.

"How about a cat hybrid?" He said glancing over to where they were, looking them over from afar.
"But bunnies have a higher sex drive darling!"
I froze.

"Excuse me ma'am?" No way I heard her correctly, I'm imagining things.
"We'll what else is a hybrid good for?" The two laughed.

I didn't know what to do, I was feeling a mix of anger and hatred for the couple but sadness for hybrids and how people were still looking at them like this.

"My apologies." I tried to evade the anger from showing through my voice.
" that's extremely inappropriate and not allowed unless consensual by both parties."

The man scoffed, "We will do as we please with our property." I couldn't hide the feelings anymore, anyone paying attention could see the veins bulging from my neck, knuckles turning white as I gripped my hands together.
"I'm sorry. Both of you will have to leave." I moved behind them, lightly pushing them towards the exit, to which they both started yelling in protest. Causing quite the scene and annoying me further than I had ever thought possible.

PD-Nim walked out from his office, confusion and slight worry mixed into his expression, following him was the pretty receptionist from earlier, looking even prettier with her professional expression and attitude and she quickly rushed over to see the problem.

I started to explain, "They only want to adopt a hybrid for sex!" I practically yelled at the two. The receptionist took the couple away towards the front as PD-Nim looked towards me clearly upset.

"They passed our very intense background check. This is not your call at all as a volunteer." He began chastising me.
I could feel all the hybrids watching and listening intently. Glass isn't soundproof, huh.

"Seriously?!?" I angrily interrupted his speech, uninterested in it completely. Pinching the bridge of his nose he started to walk away.

"You've done enough for today. We'll see you tomorrow." Finally he left, disappearing back into his office.

"This is bullshit!" I muttered before grabbing my things from the staff room and stomping my way out the door.

The seven hybrids all watched from their separate areas, Jungkook and Jimin getting the best sound and view.
While Namjoon and Hoseok tried to understand what had happened, confused from how far away their enclosure was placed from the incident.
Both were sure they wouldn't wait long to know what happened, it would be all the latest gossip tomorrow.

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