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I woke up late.

   The entirety of their stay I had always woken up early enough to make breakfast, having everything set up and ready by nine in the morning and now-
Now I'd completely ruined it.
Glancing at my phone in my morning, sleepy daze shock made my blood run cold. {10:30am} Fuck.

    I rushed out of my bedroom, quickly grabbing my hair and securing a tie around it, perfecting a not so cute messy bun while I rushed to the kitchen, in hopes no one would be upset at how late I was, or worse.
  No one would mistake my exhaustion for punishment, and think I deliberately decided not to cook them breakfast.

   With a million thoughts running though my head it took me a full few minutes to realize breakfast had been cooked, and laid out on the table.

   Not only that, but the seven hybrids were all staring at me with confused, or bemused expressions while they continued munching away.

"Look who's finally awake.." I heard one of them quietly mutter.
Still stuck in confusion I slowly looked around the room at everything. Half of them were in pyjamas.

   ( I had insisted I bought them clothing since each had hardly anything, although Namjoon had refused it.
I simply snuck the clothes into their rooms and on the beds when they were out eating at the table. No one had mentioned it, but Namjoon did acknowledge me the next day with a small head nod while his eyes flickered to the rest of his pack, looking happy in the clothing.)

     "Sorry, I woke up late and wasn't sure if you guys had started eating yet.." I spoke quietly and bowed awkwardly towards them, ready to go back to my room and wait for everyone to finish eating so I could make myself some food too.

"Will you eat with us this time....?" A voice called out, stopping me in my tracks.
I turned around, trying to find the owner and my eyes almost popped out of my head when I realized it was Jungkook.

••before Y/n woke up••

    The hybrids all looked around tensely, Jin had just finished preparing food and they all sat down to eat breakfast.
"You think she did this on purpose?" Yoongi asked, trying to act as if it didn't bother him. The truth was he'd come to enjoy Y/n's cooking.

    Namjoon shrugged. "It doesn't seem like something she'd do- but who knows." He sure didn't. None of them had taken the time to get to know her, not that he thought it mattered much.

   "Yah- I'm disappointed in all of you." Jin started with his lecture. "I know I'm not the only one who remembers yesterday. AND I know I'm not the only one who isn't getting any bad feelings around Y/n. You all know not all humans are bad." He tried to reason with his pack.
      He knew they'd all experienced more bad humans than good, if any good at points. But he also knew- realistically- their are good people. Bang PD was just one example of that.

   "You say that like it's our fault Hyung." Jimin muttered out, picking at his food. "Even though humans have been just as bad to you. You really expect us to just trust her for no reason?" He didn't understand Jin's optimism.
Especially with his past.

"I like living here." Jungkook spoke up boldly, shocking his hyungs for a second. Everyone turned to him, eyes wanting an explanation.

     "Well- we don't have to deal with any of the other hybrids who annoy us-" More like Jungkook didn't have to deal with the bunny hybrids who- despite being scared of his pack. Managed to find loop holes to bully him. Like excluding him completely.
     He always felt lonely at the shelter, but here he was surrounded by his pack 24/7.
Y/n wasn't too bad either.

    "Plus- we get better food. We're always with each other. And Y/n said we can go for walks or to the store whenever we want and she wouldn't mind driving us either.." before Jungkook could continue Taehyung interrupted him.

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