Chapter two

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𝘈 𝘧𝘦𝘸 𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳

Jayla hadn't called Dave as she had promised Jacob. So she was doing that as of right now since Jacobs at school. Better to get it over and done with am I right?

Phone conversation:
Dave - Normal
Jayla - italic

Dave: Hello
Jayla: Oh so now you wanna pick up your phone??!

Dave : Girl what do you mean I've been busy

Jayla: So busy that you can't even call to check up on your only son yeah right Davonte!

Dave: Like I said Jayla, I've been handling shit so hop off my meat. You ain't even my woman. Chill.

Jayla: Nigga of course I know that, but when you're the father of my child of course I gotta worry. And when you mean by handling shit you mean you're getting involved in the streets Dave....

He because a silent on the line for a second. And that was all Jayla needed to know.

"Davonte you can't be serious!" Jayla exclaimed as she stood up from the couch her heart rate increased. This man was going to give her a stroke one day.

"I know what you're thinking but it ain't easy just leave the game like that. But I promise imma l-leave the streets ma." Davonte assured, however his tone wasn't confident. He wasn't saying it with his chest.

Dave knew that he was never gonna be able to get out of the streets. His father was a king pin therefore he had a legacy to continue.

He couldn't just up and run, he would have to live with that guilt in his chest. Although it's not his fault he was born into the life style.

"Dave you always say the same shít. Yet here we still are 7 years later. IM TIRED!" Jayla shouted out in frustration. Her chest heaving up and down rapidly.

She hurled her wine glass at the wall, and it cracked shattering into small pieces descending from the wall like a water fall.

It was the same thing all the time Dave would promise that he would quit the streets but he never did. She was sick of his empty promises. That were never gonna be fulfilled.

She's the one that has been taking care of Jacob all by herself every since he was born. Dave was barley there but popped in and out of the picture. Just to make his existence known.

Leaving an unacceptable impression on her parents. At times he would creep into her room in the middle of the night, reeking of cheap woman perfume trying to force himself on Jayla.

Of course he was never successful. Because she was not going to tolerate hat nonsense.

"I'm not sure what you want me to tell you baby girl..."

"No shut the fuck up." She barked at him sliding down the wall. Her face was drenched with tears." We're done. You're not seeing Jacob anymore." The stress that Dave under put Jayla was unspeakable.

It would be beyond heart breaking to explain to their 7 year old this his daddy was dead and gotten shot. However Dave did not seem to understand why Jayla was being the way she was.

That's when he started to project his voice, the Harlem accent became more prominent.

"The fuck do you mean we're not together. You're mine and Jacob is my son. You can't keep him away from me?!"

"Yes I can you don't wanna stay away from your illegal activities so I'm doing what's right. Watch me until then stay away from us!" Jayla hung up the phone.

She groaned rubbing her eyes and immediately began to break down. Fighting the tears was worthless at this point she needed to let them escape.

So she did. Here she was crying in her arms in a empty home over a man that she wished she never had slept with.

No she did not regret having Jacob although, she just wished that Dave was not such a hard headed man and listened.

God what did she do to deserve this?
By the time Jayla had gotten to Jacobs class she couldn't help but let her mind drift to a certain dread head. The he way he presented  himself made him beyond attractive.

He knew his boundaries and respected it, although she felt like one day that mouth of his is gonna get him popped.

Jayla chuckled to herself once she got to Jacob's class. They had to be in 3rd period and the subject was Maths.

Now Jayla was never good at Maths  she despised it all the way through elementary and high school, until her adulthood she still doesn't get it.

However Jacob seemed to be a darn math wizard according to his teachers and reports. Little man is doing 3rd grade work in 1st grader.

Yeah it says a lot about him. He definitely gets it from his papa. Dave has also been good with numbers. Mainly why he's in the drug industry.

"And that's how we do the long division method." He concluded as his class clapped for him, his gaze flickered up to see his mother also clapping with a proud grin on her face." Mama!"

He completely ignored his peers and proceeded to dash over to Jayla hugging her knees as she caressed his hair." Hey baby boy!"

"What are you doing here?" He whispers to her, once the teacher regained all of his classmates attention.

"I'm here to pick you up early we're spending the whole day together." She says in the same tone and his face beams.

Jayla desperately needed to clear her mind after that phone call with Dave and regain her euphoria so what a better way to do it with her favourite human being.

"Class everyone say good afternoon to Miss Costell." The teacher instructs and the tiny heads all turn in her direction.

"Good afternoon Miss Costell!"

Jayla let out a small giggle at how cute and intrigued they were in her being in the room.

"Good afternoon lovelies."

Jayla then mouthed if it was okay for Jacob's early dismissal and the teacher waved her off with a smile.

Jacob retrieved his bag, and the two linked hands making their way to  Jaylas ford ranger.

"So mama what are we doing?" Jacob grabs a apple from his bag munching with his mouth open.

A nasty habit he developed from his mama.

"Boy don't chew with your mouth." She mushed his head backwards.

He giggled cutely." But you do it all the time!"

"That's different you a child and I'm an adult. What did I tell you about questioning mama?" She playfully tickled him making him laugh loudly.

His laughter was like music to her ears.

She could never get sick of her baby boy.

Author note: 📝🤎Dave is something else entirely I can't with him he's pissing me off, he doing my home girl Jayla so wrong. *rolls eyes*

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