Chapter sixteen

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After Niya had blown up about me not spending time with Kaari. Of course I took it to heart and figured that, maybe it was my time pay my daughter and baby mother a visit.

Because it was never my intention to make my baby girl feel unwanted and not seen. She's my world and it hurts to see that my absence is causing her so much sadness.

Hopefully KK doesn't switch up on me and kick me out for trying to make up for myself cus I know how she is.

"Come on open up this door, I ain't got all day KK." I called out, ringing on the doorbell repeatedly.

I knew if I didn't cause a scene, and act like a damn fool she wouldn't open the door up for nobody.

It took her a hot mintue to open the door and when she did, I took in her appearance. Her hair was done in a messy bun, and she was wearing her glasses.

"Oh it's you. For a second I thought I was a single mother and I didn't have a baby father." She taunted, with a wide smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"Ahahaha you got jokes. Move."

Gently brushing past her, I welcomed myself inside of her small house that she recently purchased. It was average size, but all that mattered was that it was a suitable for the two of them.

Since no other niggas would be here.

Besides me.

"Your crib looks fire."

"Thank you. Remember when you bailed on me, cus you claimed that you were sore from practise."


"Don't worry about it."

Clearly I have to if she's still throwing shade.

"Kk we better than that, if you have an issue express I don't want no sneaky disses." I told her straight up, taking a bottle of water from the fridge.

Then I took a seat on her couch facing her as she stood near the door, however she sighed and took a seat opposite from me.

"Alright you want me to be honest. You're being deadbeat." She reprimanded dryly, not even giving me the chance to get  a word in.

"I can explain—"

"You say this all the time, yet the excuses never add up. If you're moving on great, but what you're not finna do is neglect your daughter."

"Would you let me explain girl?!"

"I would never intentionally do that, and you of all people know that. So for you to think that low of me truely hurts me Kaari." I made sure to use her full name, so that she could see I was being deadass.

My guess is that my message got across because her face fell a bit. But she went back to being stern.

"And for your information I am seeing someone. She's a phenomenal woman, I know for a fact that you would like her."

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